stellar-dynpsk is a small tool to generate a new PSK for a given SSID on Stellar Wireless (Enterprise mode)
- requests (Thanks to Kenneth Reitz -
- pyqrcode (Thanks to Michael Nooner -
- pypng (Thanks to David Jones -
- Python3.5 (This is what comes with my Debian release, no support for Python 2.x)
- A separate system to run this code, as you can't host this on Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise OmniVista 2500 today
$ python
Stellar DynPSK - a simple PSK changer for Stellar Wireless SSIDs
Written by Benny Eggerstedt in 2018
This is free software not provided/shipped by Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise. Use it at your own risk!
[+] Reading settings.json file
[*] Attempting to connect to OmniVista server @ https://omnivista.home
[*] Connection to omnivista.home successful!
[*] Working on AP GROUP AP Test...
[*] Found instanceID 59e7440ce4b079b88220402b for AP group AP Test
[*] Found deviceId 59f2ff42e4b001b01a22190f for SSID dynpsk
[+] Changed the PSK of AP GROUP AP Test, SSID dynpsk to: H6ErFKkfVyoK
[*] Working on AP GROUP AP Test 2...
[*] Found instanceID 5bbef3e6e4b000fcba8d1ee8 for AP group AP Test 2
[*] Found deviceId 5bbef8fbe4b00a52c97d8918 for dynpsk
[+] Changed the PSK of AP GROUP AP Test 2, SSID dynpsk to: H6ErFKkfVyoK
[+] Scan the QR Code sent via mail with your mobile phone and login to the network!
Edit the settings.json.template and save it as settings.json
"ov_hostname": "", # The OmniVista 2500 server to connect to
"ov_username": "admin", # Username
"ov_password": "switch", # Password
"validate_https_certificate": "yes", # Validate the HTTPS certificate?
"ap_groups": [
], # List AP-Groups of APs that you want to update
"ssid": "ssid-name", # Name of the SSID on which you want to update
# the PSK
"encryption": "WPA/WPA2", # Set to WPA/WPA2, WPA or WPA2 depending on your
# service
"psk_length": 12, # The length of the PSK to generate
"send_psk_via_mail": "yes", # If you want to send a mail with the PSK/QR Code
"email_from": "[email protected]", # mailFrom
"smtp_server": "", # SMTP server
"smtp_auth": "yes", # Please specifiy if you need authentication
"smtp_port": 587, # If "auth" is set, we currently always do TLS
"smtp_user": "passwordforsmtp", # SMTP username
"smtp_password": "passwordforsmtp", # SMTP password
"language": "de", # Language for the mail (de, en)
"email_to": "[email protected]" # mailTo
- Introduce some data structure to generate the PSK & send information a few days before the PSK is actually changed
- Expand this kind of functionality to Stellar Wireless Express mode