Communication-Constrained Exchange of Zeroth-Order Information with Application to Collaborative Target Tracking
Authors: Abolfazl Hashemi, Mehmet Berk Şahin, Ege Can Kaya
In this paper, we study a communication-constrained multi-agent zeroth-order online optimization problem within the federated learning (FL) setting with application to target tracking where multiple agents have access only to the knowledge of their current distances to their respective targets. The agents additionally aim to avoid collisions by maintaining a minimum safe distance from their peers. Leveraging FL, the coordination among the agents as well as the dissemination of the collision-prevention information to the agents is handled by a central server. To cope with the inherent communication limitations of the agents, we further leverage a feedback-based compression scheme in the agent-to-server communications where we compress/quantize a judiciously designed zeroth-order gradient estimator. We provide a theoretical analysis of the resulting algorithm. Our result features requiring less restrictive assumptions compared to the prior work and carefully characterizing the impact of such relaxations on the convergence error. Finally, we numerically analyze the performance of the proposed algorithmic solution with regard to the tracking errors and collisions between agents.
Proof of theorem 1 can be found here.
A. Download our repo.
git clone
B. Go to EF_ZO_SGD directory to run the experiments. can be used to run the experiments.
Parameter Options:
parser.add_argument("--compression_name", default="qsgd", help="Compression case without error feedback", type=str)
parser.add_argument("--compression", default="False", help="Compression case without error feedback", type=str)
parser.add_argument("--error_feedback", default="False", help="Error-feedback for compressed gradients. ", type=str)
parser.add_argument("--plot_collisions", default="False", help="Switch for plotting collision vs. time", type=str)
parser.add_argument("--fraction_cord", default=.5, help="Fraction for top-k compression", type=float)
parser.add_argument("--eta", default=0.35, help="Learning rate for SGD", type=float)
parser.add_argument("--Lambda", default=10, help="Regularization term", type=float)
parser.add_argument("--dropout_p", default=.5, help="Dropout probability p", type=float)
parser.add_argument("--noise", default=.5, help="Dropout probability for neighbors", type=float)
parser.add_argument("--num_bits", default=3, help="Number of bits for quantization level in qsgd", type=int)
parser.add_argument("--N", default=20, help="Number of agents", type=int)
parser.add_argument("--R", default=10, help="Radius of agent's neighbor", type=int)
parser.add_argument("--init_size", default=100, help="Initialization size", type=int)
parser.add_argument("--steps", default=3000, help="Number of steps for SGD", type=int)
parser.add_argument("--iterations", default=5, help="Number of experiments for each case", type=int)
parser.add_argument("--animate", default="False", help="Switch on the animation", type=str) can be used to plot the experiments that were run and saved to "custom_exp" folder.
Parameter Options:
parser.add_argument("--dir", default="custom_exp", help="Directory name for loss histories generated by custom experiments", type=str)
parser.add_argument("--legends", default ="top rand qsgd tope", help="Legends for the plot you want to display", type=str)
parser.add_argument("--plot_collisions", default="False", type=str)
parser.add_argument("--title", default="Loss vs. Time", type=str)
parser.add_argument("--ylabel", default="Loss", type=str)
Note: script opens "custom_exp" folder and saves the results there. After you stop running sequence of custom experiments, you need to change the name of that folder to something different than "custom_exp".
Run the following scripts respectively to reproduce the results of figure 1.a and 1.b.
python3 --compression False --plot_collisions True
python3 --compression True --plot_collisions True --error_feedback True --compression_name qsgd --num_bits 2
python3 --compression True --plot_collisions True --compression_name qsgd --num_bits 1
python3 --compression True --plot_collisions True --compression_name top
python3 --compression True --plot_collisions True --compression_name top --error_feedback True
python3 --compression True --plot_collisions True --compression_name dropout-biased
python3 --compression True --plot_collisions True --compression_name rand
To plot the results of that experiment, run the following script.
For figure 1.a:
python3 --legends "NoComp QSGD2bEF QSGD1b Top TopEF Dropout-Biased Rand" --title "Nonconvex Objective for Different Compressions" --ylabel "Loss"
For figure 1.b:
python3 --legends "NoComp QSGD2bEF QSGD1b Top TopEF Dropout-Biased Rand" --title "Nonconvex Objective for Different Compressions" --ylabel "Number of Collisions" --plot_collisions True
Warning: After you are done with the results of this experiment, don't forget to change the name of the custom_exp. If you don't do that, new experiments will write into that folder and different experiments will be mixed.
Run the following scripts respectively to reproduce the results of figure 1.c.
python3 --compression True --compression_name qsgd --plot_collisions True --num_bits 2 --error_feedback True --N 5 --eta 0.2
python3 --compression True --compression_name qsgd --plot_collisions True --num_bits 2 --error_feedback True --N 10 --eta 0.283
python3 --compression True --compression_name qsgd --plot_collisions True --num_bits 2 --error_feedback True --N 15 --eta 0.346
python3 --compression True --compression_name qsgd --plot_collisions True --num_bits 2 --error_feedback True --N 20 --eta 0.4
python3 --compression True --compression_name qsgd --plot_collisions True --num_bits 2 --error_feedback True --N 25 --eta 0.447
To plot the results, run the followin scripts.
To plot the loss (figure 1.c):
python3 --legends "N=5 N=10 N=15 N=20 N=25" --title "QSGD with EF for Different Number of Agents with Proportional Learning Rates" --ylabel "Loss"
You can also plot the collision plot:
python3 --legends "N=5 N=10 N=15 N=20 N=25" --title "QSGD with EF for Different Number of Agents with Proportional Learning Rates" --ylabel "Loss" --plot_collisions True
Warning: After you are done, don't forget to change the name of "custom_exp" folder.
Run the following scripts respectively to reproduce the results of figure 1.d.
python3 --compression True --compression_name qsgd --plot_collisions True --error_feedback True --num_bits 2 --Lambda 0
python3 --compression True --compression_name qsgd --plot_collisions True --error_feedback True --num_bits 2 --Lambda 1
python3 --compression True --compression_name qsgd --plot_collisions True --error_feedback True --num_bits 2 --Lambda 2
python3 --compression True --compression_name qsgd --plot_collisions True --error_feedback True --num_bits 2 --Lambda 5
python3 --compression True --compression_name qsgd --plot_collisions True --error_feedback True --num_bits 2 --Lambda 7
python3 --compression True --compression_name qsgd --plot_collisions True --error_feedback True --num_bits 2 --Lambda 10
To plot figure 1.d:
python3 --legends "L=0 L=1 L=2 L=5 L=7 L=10" --title "QSGD with EF for Regularizer Test" --ylabel "Number of Collisions" --plot_collisions True
You can also plot the loss:
python3 --legends "L=0 L=1 L=2 L=5 L=7 L=10" --title "QSGD with EF for Regularizer Test" --ylabel "Number of Collisions"
Warning: After you are done, don't forget to change the name of "custom_exp" folder.
To see the animation of any experiment, you can just make --animate argument True.