This will be a repository for all the lab assignments I've done as part of the UT.6.01x MOOC.
I started with coding experience but no electrical engineering knowledge.
Site: edX
Date: January - May 2014
School: University of Texas at Austin
- Certificate
- Certifcate Verification
- My Final Project - Space Invaders
- Grade: 100% (not shown in certificate)
Each folder will contain all the necessary files for the specified lab.
I will indicate what I edited in the
of each folder.
Some labs also require the building of a physical electrical circuit which I will try to include in a CircuitDiagram.jpg
There are some file types which will appear in every lab assignment.
I will just describe their purpose here instead of repeating in each
- uVision files (open ***.uvproj
to get everthing)
- autograder files
- useful address definitions for launchpad
- startup file
Kiel uVsion 4 - All the coding were done on this IDE.
Stellaris/Tiva LaunchPad - Everything is meant to work on this launchpad (I used a EK-TM4C123G).
Electronic Components - The physical circuit requires a few misc electrical components.
[e-Book](http://users.ece.u - essentially a transcript of the edX lessons.
Course Website - To help edX students get started on the MOOC.