Web-application built with the help of python and Flask to provide easy access to some useful tools for solving online quests.
- Morse code translator
- Braille code translator
- Mendeleev periodic table reference
- RU/EN alphabet to numbers and reverse
- Simple mask search
- RU anagrams (one- and two-word)
- Olympiika word game helper
- Caesar code decoder
- Flag semaphore decoder
- T9 phone codes decoder
Dots and dashes to letters and reverse.
One word OR several words OR ...---...
'sos' => ... --- ...
'hello world' => .... . .-.. .-.. --- .-- --- .-. .-.. -..
'- . ... -' => тест test
Braille code uses numerical coding presented
in this figure:
One word OR several words OR 13456 15 234 \
'hello world' => ⠓⠑⠇⠇⠕ ⠺⠕⠗⠇⠙
'13456 15 234' => yes yес
Quick reference of chemical elements by number, name, or symbol.
element number OR several numbers OR element name/names
separated by whitespace.
'12' => '12 Magnesium Магний Mg'
'8 7 45 69' => 'O N Rh Tm'
'O N Rh Tm' => '8 7 45 69'
'тантал' => '73 Tantalum Тантал Ta'
Simple letters to numbers and reverse conversion.
latin and cyrillic letters OR numbers.
'hello' => '8 5 12 12 15'
'8 5 12 12 15' => 'ждккн hello'
'12 1 4 25' => 'кагч lady'
Search for russian OR english words using * and ? symbols.
? - one not empty letter.
* - several letters or none.
Gives only first 100 words listed alphabetically.
Mask for russian OR english word using * and ? symbols.
'?лов?' => '(19) улова, олову, словн, ...'
'лов*' => '(>100!) ловцом, ловчиле, ловчишь, ...'
'en?r??' => '(20) enwrap, endrin, enerve, entrez, entrap, ...'
Get anagrams from hash-table of anagrams created using big database of russian words.
One word - you get full anagram and possible 2-word anagrams.
Two and more words - you get full anagram for each word.
'проверка' =>
'Букв: 8
Полная анаграмма: проварке, проверка
Варианты из двух слов:
капер, карпе, крапе, крепа, парке, перка, репка + вор, вро, ров
правке + ор, ро
провар, прорва + ЕК, ке
'слово море вода' =>
'слово (5): волос, ослов, слово
море (4): ером, море, омер, орем, роем, роме
вода (4): адов, вода'
Uses data from sociation.org and other sources to provide options of connected words.
One word - list of associated words.
Two words - list of common associations for these words.
'крона' => 'крона = древо, корона, деньги, макушка,
ветки, голова, монета, деревья, темя, гребень, чехия,
батарейка ...'
'море пляж' => 'акула, ракушки, вода, закат ...'
Caesar Code Decoder provides one clear option
using corresponding russian or english dictionary.
Indicates shift of the alphabet in the output.
Coded word or phrase.
'Ёв, н аъйжв ювжущ сяэы!' => '18: Чу, я слышу пушек гром!'
'Iwxh xh hdbt higxcv! Vgtpi!' => '11: This is some string! Great!'
Translates into letters letter-coded positions
of flags written according to the figure:
Letter-coded positions of right and left hand. Whitespace separates letters.
'нл-нп л-нл лн-в л-в л-н нл-нп лв-пн н-п' => 'абырвалг'
Translates numbers to words using dictionary.
Numbers from T9 key input OR words.
'6543' => 'okie, olid
роке, сойд, соке, солд, спид, спле, токе, толе, униз'
'5 6 6 6 5 2 6 4 4 4' => 'островский'
'привет' => '564236'