You can find Demo Here:
social media app allows users to create accounts publish posts update them and so much more.
- Pull this repository
- Create a virtualenv and install dependencies with
pip install -r requirements.txt
- start the app with
python runserver
and enjoy it :)
This project includes:
- The Django Debug Toolbar already setup
- Multiple settings modules setup for easily deploying
- Python-decouple for securely referencing keys, passwords, and other settings.
This application built with:
- Django Rest Framework to create the crud operations and the interaction with the database(SQLite).
- Django Rest Knox Authentication Module for Django rest auth.
- React Js JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
- React Routers javascript route handling library, allows users to navigate around the pages without causing page refresh.
- Redux to manage the app state.
- Material UI a popular React UI Framework.
Admin username: admin Admin password: testing321