Welcome to my GitHub profile! I'm an aspiring programmer with expertise in C++, Lua/LuaU, Rust, and a bit of reverse engineering. I am constantly coding, trying to perfect my skills.
C++: I have been coding in C++ since
Feb 21st, 2020
working on various types of software. I've worked on cheat development, software protection, and anti-cheating measures. -
Lua/LuaU: Scripter and developer on Roblox since
March 18th, 2016
perfecting my craft. I've worked on games using the Roblox engine and created top of the line cheats. I've used Lua and it's variations using it on different platforms and I'm highly experienced using the language. -
Rust: This language is easy and straightforward to get into. I started using this language on
July 5th, 2023
and I've used it in various projects like code obfuscation & analysis, bots, and servers. I praise for the creators and the tools around it making Rust readable, usable, robust, friendly, and clean. -
Go: A dynamic language that would fit anything you need in the backend. When I started on
September 1st, 2023
, I never knew it would be so easy to create a massive self-hosted WebSocket and HTTP server supporting thousands alongside PocketBase's SDK - an SQL database made in Go. -
Python: A language that many started of us started from. During
January 4th, 2020
when we had to quaratine, it was one of the first languages I learned. It taught me many core principles like code formatting, general rules, and style. This also taught me that languages have different use cases - and I use this language for short scripts or tasks. -
Node.JS/JS/TS: This language has the biggest following here. This language can do anything (especially web related) - regardless if that's good or not. Starting with this language on
March 9th, 2020
, it helped me propel my understanding of coding with many Discord bots and web frontend(s) created. -
Java: My work on this language was very fun (from
June 10th, 2020
toJuly 1st, 2020
) in order to write Minecraft plugin(s) for use in my server. I can't comment much on it - but they worked to boost productivity on the server and the general experience. -
C: Experience on this language is very lax. Using this language, I've messed around with kernel drivers but I hope to create something serious with it.
In addition to programming, I love to indulge in the world of reverse engineering as a hobby. I like to inspect how progams work, while also document their behavior.
I'm constantly seeking new challenges and opportunities to improve my skills - and/or gain knowledge. Feel free to contact me about programming, reverse-engineering, or other things. It'd be nice to see issues and pull-requests made on my projects.
From cheating software, reverse engineering experiments, to web development, I enjoy exploring many topics.
I'm always free to collaborate, learn, and share knowledge with fellow developers. If you're interested in creating projects, or connecting professionally, feel free to contact me through Discord!