wsilk是一个辅助开发人员的代码生成框架(wsilk is a framework that assists developers to generate code)
[pdf auto printer scaling page pdfbox] 对批量的pdf文件进行打印操作,可以配置打印机相关信息: 页面大小、边距大小、缩放比率、横版竖版等,打印的每个job任务可以配置等待时间或打印机等待队列最大大小,避免打印机被打爆。
Blavtes / Rajawali
Forked from Rajawali/RajawaliAndroid OpenGL ES 2.0 Engine
Blavtes / iOS-MDM
Forked from davewang/ios-mdmDeploying iPhone and iPad Mobile Device Management for java with appfuse and apns
Blavtes / CrashSymbolizer
Forked from likid1412/CrashSymbolizersymbolize iOS crash info
All the goodness of Font Awesome in symbols crafted specifically for Sketch 3!
Blavtes / LiveRefresh
Forked from go3k/LiveRefreshA live coding command line tool for cocos2d-js / cocos2d-x lua binding!
Blavtes / SpeakHere
Forked from shaojiankui/SpeakHereApple Audio Queue Services Example,a copy SpeakHere from Apple, suppots Xcode5,6,7
Blavtes / VideoStreamDemo2
Forked from yuyi012/VideoStreamDemo2http live stream video player,custom interface and preview in timeline.
Blavtes / Reachability
Forked from tonymillion/ReachabilityARC and GCD Compatible Reachability Class for iOS and MacOS. Drop in replacement for Apple Reachability
A demo implementation of a drop down tag list view for iOS.
Blavtes / BLE-miband
Forked from cocoajin/BLE-mibandiOS BLE demo, 小米手环蓝牙测试
Blavtes / animated-tab-bar
Forked from Ramotion/animated-tab-barRAMAnimatedTabBarController is a Swift module for adding animation to tabbar items.
An easy to use UITableViewCell subclass that allows to display swippable buttons with a variety of transitions.
Blavtes / JSPatch
Forked from bang590/JSPatchJSPatch bridge Objective-C and Javascript using the Objective-C runtime. You can call any Objective-C class and method in JavaScript by just including a small engine. JSPatch is generally use for h…
Blavtes / ios-runtime
Forked from NativeScript/ios-jsciOS runtime for NativeScript (based on JavaScriptCore)