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Blimpyway authored Jan 26, 2022
1 parent 901399b commit 9a7d09f
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103 changes: 103 additions & 0 deletions README.txt
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Here is an example of naive SDR associative memory using only python & numpy

----- - an approximative implementation of Fly Hash encoder.
It is used to convert (reatively) low sparsity mnist digits to 2048 bit sparse distributed representation
Since memory performance degrades with the square of 1 bits, the SDRs tend to be low <1-2% sparsity, mnist_data.npz - quick&dirty loader of numpy savez mnist digits - The actual 2d associative memory see how it works below - The main program assembling all above files together.

Since mnist loader is included, this toy demo depends only on python3 and numpy


The main demo program is

$ python3

It reads in MNIST digits, stores 20000 train digits in associative memory
then queries same memory for all 10000 test digits, use results to "vote" on result's digit value.
It compares only number of responses from associative memory, it output results without any
distance measurements between the actual query digits and responses.

Every other .py program here runs its own if __name__ == "__main__" stuff for testing.
e.g. runs a performance test on storing 100k random SDRs

How is a SDR encoded and indexed
SDR Size: the number of all (ON or OFF) bits in any SDR
SDR Length: the number of ON (==1) bits

We prefer to use SDRs with equal sizes lengths, to exploit numpy array optimisations
We store only the list of ON bits for any SDR

Index is built by expanding ON bits in pairs.
e.g. if a SDR has the bits [15, 64, 429, 900] its pair expansion is:
[(15,64), (15,429), (15,900), (64,429), (64,900), (429,900)]

If the SDR Size is N, the number of possible bit pairs is N*(N-1)/2

Each pair above projects into a memory SLOT. Each SLOT stores a number of ID positions. This is the SLOT_Size
Default slot size is 64.
An ID is just a 32bit int, used by programmers to connect it with meaningful data. (e.g. the original SDR)

Memory Size is total number of SLOTs == how many possible bit pairs of SDRs of size N
e.g. N = 1024 then Memory Size is 1024*1023/2 =~ 512k number of SLOTs

Its actual size in bytes is found by multiplying the
Memory_Size x SLOT_size x int32_size

e.g. for N = 1024 and SLOT_size = 64 we get :

1024*1023/2 * 64 * 4 =~ 128 MBytes

If we double the SDR size we get an 4x increase in memory needed to store the whole index.

Projecting an SDR and corresponding ID into the memory:

- build the list of SDR slots by expanding SDR's ON bits in pairs.
- At each SLOT in the above list the corresponding ID is in one of available positions
- position within a slot is chosen to be reproductible - same ID will be written at same position in the same slot.

When writing a 32 bit long SDR, it will have its ID recorded in 32 * 31 / 2 = 496 SLOTS.

Which means there is a certain likelihood that after many writings, the original ID could be restored from a significant number of slots when queried.

How it is used

Sparse encoding: All SDRs here are represented as lists of corresponding 1 bit positions in the 0..2047 bit SDR space.
e.g a SDR of 30 one bits is a numpy array of 30 int32 values.

The SDR associative memory here is actually a mapper between int32 "ids" and SDRs
To store ids and sdr use an instance of SDRMap:, sdr_list)

sdr_id_list has to by a 1d numpy int32 array,
sdr_list has to be a matching 2d array, one sparse encoded sdr per row for every id in the sdr_id_list

When queried the memory does not return actual SDRs but (what it considers to be) best matching 32bit sdr_id-s
used during store(). Is the user's responsibility to encode/decode "meaning" onto these ids.

SDRMap.query(sdr_list, max_ids = 4)

For each sdr in sdr_list returns a list of sdr_id and number of index hits. The list length does not exceed max_ids

SDRMap.queryExtended(sdr_list, min_hits = 4)
For each sdr in sdr_lists returns a list of sdr_id and number of index hits. Drops out ids with less than min_hits hits
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Testing fly_hash encoder and associative memory to test MNIST retrieval accuracy
We get >%91 accuracy using first 20k train digits
This is just a poor replacement for knn nearest neighbor.
Accuracy losses may be caused by both FHEncoder and associative memory overlaps.
from sdr_mem2d import SDRMap
from fly_hash_encoder import FHEncoder
from load_mnist_data import x_train, x_test, y_train, y_test, normalize

x_train = normalize(x_train) # Our normalize aranges all images flattened and all image sum()-s are 1.0
x_test = normalize(x_test)

import numpy as np
from time import time

smap = SDRMap(slot_size = 112)

# Create a FlyHash encoder. The hasher converts a alist of MNIST image to a SDR list of size 2048
# x_train here is given to adjust "biases" to equalise SDR bits chances to produce 1
hasher = FHEncoder(x_train[10000:20000])

istart,ilen = 0,20000 # Which x_train digits will stored in memory
iend = istart + ilen

print(f"hasher initialised, we use it to convert {ilen} x_train images to SDRs")
t = time()
sdrs = hasher.compute_sdrs(x_train[istart:iend],sdr_len = 25)
t = time() - t
print(f"{ilen} sdrs computed in {int(t*1000)}ms")
print(f"Training sdrs.shape:{sdrs.shape}, dtype:{sdrs.dtype}")

# This encodes both y_train values and train index (position in x_train
sids = y_train[istart:iend] + np.arange(istart,iend) * 100 + 10000000
# If above looks weird, here-s an example of what it does: if y_train[15632] == 7 then the ID becomes:
# 11563207
# _NNNNN_D - where '_' are ignored 'D' is the digit value and NNNNN is the row num in the x_train array

print(f"Begin storing {ilen} SDRs in associative memory (a.k.a sdr map)")
t = time(),sdrs)
t = time()-t
print(f"sdrs stored in {int(1000*t)}ms")

# uncomment these blocks if you want to encode&store all 60000 x_train digits
istart,ilen = 20000,20000
iend = istart+ilen
sdrs = hasher.compute_sdrs(x_train[istart:iend],sdr_len = 40)
sids = y_train[istart:iend] + np.arange(istart,iend) * 100 + 10000000,sdrs)

istart,ilen = 40000,20000
iend = istart+ilen
sdrs = hasher.compute_sdrs(x_train[istart:iend],sdr_len = 40)
sids = y_train[istart:iend] + np.arange(istart,iend) * 100 + 10000000,sdrs)

# "training" done

# Testing

#xtest = x_train[:-10000]
#ytest = y_train[:-10000]
xtest = x_test
ytest = y_test
print("Begin querrying memory map with x_test")
sdrs = hasher.compute_sdrs(xtest, sdr_len=25)
idlists, idcounts = smap.query(sdrs,first=6)
t = time()-t
print(f"Associative query {len(idlists)} done in {int(t*1000)}ms")

print(f"\nNext we retrieve predicted digit numbers from the responses")
t = time()
idresults = []

for idlist, idcount in zip(idlists, idcounts):
results = np.zeros(10)
for i in range(len(idlist)):
pred = idlist[i] % 100 # restore digit value from id.
results[pred] += idcount[i]
idresults = np.array(idresults)
# print(f"idresults.sum() {idresults.sum()}, dtype={idresults.dtype}")

comps = idresults == ytest

print(f" result len = {len(comps)}, positive = {comps.sum()/100}%, computed in {int(t*1000)}ms")
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import numpy as np
class FHEncoder():

def __init__(self, x = None, fname = None, random_state = None, sdr_size=2048, pixels_per_encoder=16):
if fname is None:
self.new_encoders(x.shape[1],sdr_size,pixels_per_encoder, random_state)

def compute_sdrs(self, x, sdr_len = 32):
scores = x[:,self.encoders].sum(axis=2) / self.factors
sdrs = np.flip(np.argsort(scores),axis = -1)
return sdrs[:,:sdr_len].astype(np.uint32)

def new_encoders(self,input_size, sdr_size, pixels_per_encoder, random_state):
encoders = []
for _ in range(sdr_size):
self.encoders = np.array(encoders,dtype=np.uint32)

def init_factors(self,x):
factors = []
tops = x.shape[0]//50
for encoder in self.encoders:
scores = x[:,encoder].sum(axis=1)
order = np.argsort(scores)
top2pcnt = order[-tops:]
self.factors = np.array(factors).astype(np.float32)

def load(self,fname):
if fname.split('.')[-1] != "npz":
fname += ".npz"
data = np.load(fname)
self.encodings = data["encodings"]
self.factors = data["factors"]

def save(self, fname):
np.savez(fname, encodings = self.encodings, factors = self.factors)

if __name__ == "__main__":
from load_mnist_data import x_train,normalize
from time import time

X = normalize(x_train)
SDR_SIZE = 1024

t = time()
fhe = FHEncoder(X[:10000],sdr_size=SDR_SIZE)
t = time() - t

print(f"{fhe.encoders.shape[0]} encoders generated in {int(t*1000)}ms")
print(f"encoders shape: {fhe.encoders.shape}")

num = 10000

t = time()
sdrs = fhe.compute_sdrs(X[:num], sdr_len = 24)
t = time() - t

print(f"{num} sdrs of shape {sdrs.shape} computed in {int(t*1000)}ms")

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import numpy as np
import os

dname = os.path.dirname(__file__)
if len(dname) == 0:
dname = '.'

_d = np.load(dname + "/mnist_data.npz")
x_test, y_test = _d['x_test'], _d['y_test']
x_train, y_train = _d['x_train'],_d['y_train']

def normalize(X):
transforms X so sum() of each digit is 1.
X must be adimensional, e.g. for MNIST each digit of shape (28,28) should be reshaped to (784,)
X = X.reshape(X.shape[0],-1)
sums = X.sum(axis=1)
return (X.T / sums).T.astype(np.float32)

if __name__ == "__main__":
# np.savez("mnist_data", x_test = x_test, x_train = x_train, y_test = y_test, y_train = y_train)
print(f"mnist data loaded in {[k[0] for k in _d.items()]}")

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