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API Documentation

Maintainability Test Coverage

1️⃣ Getting started

To get the server running locally:

  • Clone this repo
  • Install PostgresSQL then createdb wowo-dev
  • npm install to install all required dependencies
  • npm run server to start the local server
  • npm run unit-test to start server using testing environment

Backend Framework

Server Uses PostgresSQL, Express and Knex.

2️⃣ Endpoints

The endpoints currently operational on the server are listed below.

All Routes

Method Endpoint Access Control Description
POST /auth/RegisterClient all users Register for a client account.
POST /auth/RegisterWasher/:id users registered as washers Register for a washer account.
POST /auth/login all users Login to an existing account.
GET /users all users View all users.
GET /users/:id all users View a user by id.
PUT /users/:id all users Update a user.
DELETE /users/:id all users Remove a user.
PUT /users/rating/:id all washers Update rating of a user.
PUT /users/washer/:id all washers Update washer.
PUT /users/washer/rating/:id all users Update rating of a washer.
GET /users/available/:city all users Returns all Active Washers in given City.
GET /cars all users Returns all car makes.
POST /cars all users Takes in make and model and returns carId.
GET /cars/:id all users Returns all car models for a given make.
PUT /cars/:id all users Takes in userId, carId, color and license plate, ties car to user profile.
PUT /cars/:id all users Takes in userId, carId, color and license plate, ties car to user profile.
DELETE /cars/:id all users Takes in userId, carId, color and license plate, ties car to user profile.
POST /jobs/new all users Creates a new job.
GET /jobs/available/:id all washers Returns all jobs with washerId null (new available jobs).
GET /jobs/jobInfo/:id all users Returns all job info for given jobId
PUT /jobs/selectJob/:id all washers Adds the washer to a job.
DELETE /jobs/job/:id all users Deletes Job by Job ID
PUT /jobs/job/:id all users Edits Job by Job ID
GET /jobs/user/:id all users Gets Jobs by User ID
GET /jobs/washer/:id all washers Gets Jobs by Washer ID
POST /images/profile/:id all users Posts profile image of user
PUT /images/profile/:id all users Edits profile image of user
DELETE /images/profile/:id all users Delete profile image of user
POST /images/banner/:id all users Posts banner image of user
PUT /images/banner/:id all users Edits banner image of user
DELETE /images/banner/:id all users Delete banner image of user
POST /images/before/:id all washers Posts before photo of job
POST /images/after/:id all washers Posts after photo of job

Endpoint Details

Auth Routes

The POST /auth/registerClient Endpoint takes the following JSON information:

  "accountType":"client"                --Required  --String  --Must be "washer" or "client"
  "email":"[email protected]",              --Required  --String  --Must be Unique
  "firstName":"Test",                   --Required  --String
  "lastName":"Testerson",               --Required  --String
  "password":"12345678",                --Required  --String  --Min 8 characters
  "phoneNumber":"1234567890",                       --String
  "streetAddress":"1051 Market St",                 --String
  "streetAddress2":"APT 240",                       --String
  "city":"San Francisco",                           --String
  "State":"California",                             --String
  "zip":"94103",                                    --String
  "profilePicture":"some url",                      --String
  "bannerImage":"some url"                          --String

The POST /auth/registerClient Endpoint returns the following JSON information:

  "message": "user created successfully", --String  --Success Message
    "token": "Auth token",                --String  --auto generated auth token
    "user": {                                       --New user Object
        "id": 1,                          --Int     --User Id
        "accountType": "client",          --String  --user's account type "washer/client"
        "email": "[email protected]",         --String  --Users Unique Email
        "firstName": "Test",              --String  --Users First Name
        "lastName": "Testerson",          --String  --Users Last Name
        "phoneNumber": "1234567890",      --String  --Phone Number
        "stripeUUID": null,               --String  --Stripe Id Unique Identifier
        "streetAddress": "1051 Market St",--String  --Street Address
        "streetAddress2": "APT 240",      --String  --Secondary address field
        "city": "San Francisco",          --String  --City
        "state": "CA",                    --String  --State --Max Length 2
        "zip": "94103",                   --String  --Zip code
        "profilePicture": "some url",     --String  --Url location of profile img
        "bannerImage": "some url",        --String  --Url location of banner img
        "creationDate": "date",           --String  --Timestamp auto generated
        "userRating": 4,                  --Float   --Current Users Rating
        "userRatingTotal": 1              --Int     --Number of ratings for user

The POST auth/login Endpoint needs the following JSON information:

  "email":"[email protected]",              --String  --Registered Email Address
  "password":"12345678"                 --String  --Users Password

The POST /auth/login Endpoint returns the following JSON information:

  "token": "auth token",                  --String  --Generated Auth Token
    "user": {                                       --Logged In User Object
        "id": 26,                                   --User Id
        "accountType": "washer",                    --user's account type "washer/client"
        "email": "[email protected]",         --String  --Users Unique Email
        "firstName": "Test",              --String  --Users First Name
        "lastName": "Testerson",          --String  --Users Last Name
        "phoneNumber": "1234567890",      --String  --Phone Number
        "stripeUUID": null,               --String  --Stripe Id Unique Identifier
        "streetAddress": "1051 Market St",--String  --Street Address
        "streetAddress2": "APT 240",      --String  --Secondary address field
        "city": "San Francisco",          --String  --City
        "state": "CA",                    --String  --State --Max Length 2
        "zip": "94103",                   --String  --Zip code
        "profilePicture": "some url",     --String  --Url location of profile img
        "bannerImage": "some url",        --String  --Url location of banner img
        "creationDate": "date",           --String  --Timestamp auto generated
        "userRating": 4,                  --Float   --Current Users Rating
        "userRatingTotal": 1              --Int     --Number of ratings for user
        "washer": {                                 --Washer Object(only if registered as a washer)
          "userId": 26,                    --Int     --User's Id
          "workStatus": true,              --Boolean --If washer is available for work
          "rateSmall": "30.00",            --Float   --Washer price for small job
          "rateMedium": "50.00",           --Float   --Washer price for medium job
          "rateLarge": "75.00",            --Float   --Washer price for large job
          "aboutMe": "I am a washer",      --String  --Description of washer/Bio
          "currentLocationLat": "55.777",  --Float   --Current location latitude
          "currentLocationLon": "35.555",  --Float   --Current location longitude
          "washerRating": 3,               --Float   --Current washer rating
          "washerRatingTotal": 1           --Int     --Number of ratings for washer

The POST /auth/registerWasher/:id Endpoint needs the following JSON information: Takes in a valid user id in the url and must be registered with the account type of "washer"

  "workStatus": true,                           --Boolean --Defaults to false
  "rateSmall": "30.00",                         --Float
  "rateMedium": "50.00",            --Required  --Float
  "rateLarge": "75.00",                         --Float
  "aboutMe": "I am a washer",                   --String
  "currentLocationLat": "55.777",               --Float
  "currentLocationLon": "35.555",               --Float

The POST /auth/registerWasher/:id Endpoint returns the following JSON information:

  "user": {                                       --Logged In User Object
        "id": 26,                                   --User Id
        "accountType": "washer",                    --user's account type "washer/client"
        "email": "[email protected]",         --String  --Users Unique Email
        "firstName": "Test",              --String  --Users First Name
        "lastName": "Testerson",          --String  --Users Last Name
        "phoneNumber": "1234567890",      --String  --Phone Number
        "stripeUUID": null,               --String  --Stripe Id Unique Identifier
        "streetAddress": "1051 Market St",--String  --Street Address
        "streetAddress2": "APT 240",      --String  --Secondary address field
        "city": "San Francisco",          --String  --City
        "state": "CA",                    --String  --State --Max Length 2
        "zip": "94103",                   --String  --Zip code
        "profilePicture": "some url",     --String  --Url location of profile img
        "bannerImage": "some url",        --String  --Url location of banner img
        "creationDate": "date",           --String  --Timestamp auto generated
        "userRating": 4,                  --Float   --Current Users Rating
        "userRatingTotal": 1              --Int     --Number of ratings for user
        "washer": {                                 --Washer Object
          "userId": 26,                   --Int     --User's Id
          "workStatus": true,             --Boolean --If washer is available for work
          "rateSmall": "30.00",           --Float   --Washer price for small job
          "rateMedium": "50.00",          --Float   --Washer price for medium job
          "rateLarge": "75.00",           --Float   --Washer price for large job
          "aboutMe": "I am a washer",     --String  --Description of washer/Bio
          "currentLocationLat": "55.777", --Float   --Current location latitude
          "currentLocationLon": "35.555", --Float   --Current location longitude
          "washerRating": 3,              --Float   --Current washer rating
          "washerRatingTotal": 1          --Int     --Number of ratings for washer

Users routs

The GET /users/ Endpoint returns the following array of JSON information:

        "id": 1,                          --Int     --User Id
        "accountType": "client",          --String  --user's account type "washer/client"
        "email": "[email protected]",         --String  --Users Unique Email
        "firstName": "Test",              --String  --Users First Name
        "lastName": "Testerson",          --String  --Users Last Name
        "phoneNumber": "1234567890",      --String  --Phone Number
        "stripeUUID": null,               --String  --Stripe Id Unique Identifier
        "streetAddress": "1051 Market St",--String  --Street Address
        "streetAddress2": "APT 240",      --String  --Secondary address field
        "city": "San Francisco",          --String  --City
        "state": "CA",                    --String  --State --Max Length 2
        "zip": "94103",                   --String  --Zip code
        "profilePicture": "some url",     --String  --Url location of profile img
        "bannerImage": "some url",        --String  --Url location of banner img
        "creationDate": "date",           --String  --Timestamp auto generated
        "userRating": 4,                  --Float   --Current Users Rating
        "userRatingTotal": 1              --Int     --Number of ratings for user

The GET /users/:id Endpoint returns the following JSON information: Takes in a valid user id in the url.

  "id": 1,                          --Int     --User Id
  "accountType": "client",          --String  --user's account type "washer/client"
  "email": "[email protected]",         --String  --Users Unique Email
  "firstName": "Test",              --String  --Users First Name
  "lastName": "Testerson",          --String  --Users Last Name
  "phoneNumber": "1234567890",      --String  --Phone Number
  "stripeUUID": null,               --String  --Stripe Id Unique Identifier
  "streetAddress": "1051 Market St",--String  --Street Address
  "streetAddress2": "APT 240",      --String  --Secondary address field
  "city": "San Francisco",          --String  --City
  "state": "CA",                    --String  --State --Max Length 2
  "zip": "94103",                   --String  --Zip code
  "profilePicture": "some url",     --String  --Url location of profile img
  "bannerImage": "some url",        --String  --Url location of banner img
  "creationDate": "date",           --String  --Timestamp auto generated
  "userRating": 4,                  --Float   --Current Users Rating
  "userRatingTotal": 1,             --Int     --Number of ratings for user
  "cars:[                           --Array   --Array of users cars
            "carId": 3,
            "clientId": 3,
            "make": "ford",
            "model": "escort",
            "year": 1994,
            "color": "red",
            "licensePlate": "xyz123",
            "photo": "some url",
            "category": "car",
            "size": "small"
            "carId": 4,
            "clientId": 3,
            "make": "chevrolet",
            "model": "camaro",
            "year": 2010,
            "color": "blue",
            "licensePlate": "zyx321",
            "photo": "some url",
            "category": "car",
            "size": "medium"
  "washer": {                                 --Washer Object(if user is registered as a washer)
    "userId": 26,                   --Int     --User's Id
    "workStatus": true,             --Boolean --If washer is available for work
    "rateSmall": "30.00",           --Float   --Washer price for small job
    "rateMedium": "50.00",          --Float   --Washer price for medium job
    "rateLarge": "75.00",           --Float   --Washer price for large job
    "aboutMe": "I am a washer",     --String  --Description of washer/Bio
    "currentLocationLat": "55.777", --Float   --Current location latitude
    "currentLocationLon": "35.555", --Float   --Current location longitude
    "washerRating": 3,              --Float   --Current washer rating
    "washerRatingTotal": 1          --Int     --Number of ratings for washer

The PUT /users/:id Endpoint takes in any of the following JSON information: Takes in a valid user id in the url.

  "accountType": "client",          --String  --user's account type "washer/client"
  "firstName": "Test",              --String  --Users First Name
  "lastName": "Testerson",          --String  --Users Last Name
  "phoneNumber": "1234567890",      --String  --Phone Number
  "streetAddress": "1051 Market St",--String  --Street Address
  "streetAddress2": "APT 240",      --String  --Secondary address field
  "city": "San Francisco",          --String  --City
  "state": "CA",                    --String  --State --Max Length 2
  "zip": "94103",                   --String  --Zip code
  "profilePicture": "some url",     --String  --Url location of profile img
  "bannerImage": "some url",        --String  --Url location of banner img

The PUT /users/:id Endpoint returns the following JSON information:

  "id": 1,                          --Int     --User Id
  "accountType": "client",          --String  --user's account type "washer/client"
  "email": "[email protected]",         --String  --Users Unique Email
  "firstName": "Test",              --String  --Users First Name
  "lastName": "Testerson",          --String  --Users Last Name
  "phoneNumber": "1234567890",      --String  --Phone Number
  "stripeUUID": null,               --String  --Stripe Id Unique Identifier
  "streetAddress": "1051 Market St",--String  --Street Address
  "streetAddress2": "APT 240",      --String  --Secondary address field
  "city": "San Francisco",          --String  --City
  "state": "CA",                    --String  --State --Max Length 2
  "zip": "94103",                   --String  --Zip code
  "profilePicture": "some url",     --String  --Url location of profile img
  "bannerImage": "some url",        --String  --Url location of banner img
  "creationDate": "date",           --String  --Timestamp auto generated
  "userRating": 4,                  --Float   --Current Users Rating
  "userRatingTotal": 1              --Int     --Number of ratings for user

The DELETE /users/:id Endpoint returns following JSON information: Takes in a valid user id in the url.

    "message": "The user has been successfully removed from the database"

The PUT /users/rating/:id Endpoint takes in the following JSON information: Takes in a valid user id in the url.

 "userRating": 4                    --Float --updates and averages automatically

The PUT /users/rating/:id Endpoint returns the following JSON information:

  "id": 1,                          --Int     --User Id
  "accountType": "client",          --String  --user's account type "washer/client"
  "email": "[email protected]",         --String  --Users Unique Email
  "firstName": "Test",              --String  --Users First Name
  "lastName": "Testerson",          --String  --Users Last Name
  "phoneNumber": "1234567890",      --String  --Phone Number
  "stripeUUID": null,               --String  --Stripe Id Unique Identifier
  "streetAddress": "1051 Market St",--String  --Street Address
  "streetAddress2": "APT 240",      --String  --Secondary address field
  "city": "San Francisco",          --String  --City
  "state": "CA",                    --String  --State --Max Length 2
  "zip": "94103",                   --String  --Zip code
  "profilePicture": "some url",     --String  --Url location of profile img
  "bannerImage": "some url",        --String  --Url location of banner img
  "creationDate": "date",           --String  --Timestamp auto generated
  "userRating": 3.6667,             --Float   --Updated user rating
  "userRatingTotal": 2              --Int     --Number of ratings for user

The PUT /users/washer/:id Endpoint takes in any of the following JSON information: Takes in a valid washer id in the url.

  "workStatus": true,             --Boolean --If washer is available for work
  "rateSmall": "30.00",           --Float   --Rate for a small job
  "rateMedium": "50.00",          --Float   --Rate for a medium job
  "rateLarge": "75.00",           --Float   --Rate for a large job
  "aboutMe": "I am a washer",     --String  --Washer bio
  "currentLocationLat": "55.667", --Float   --Washer current location latitude
  "currentLocationLon": "35.553"  --Float   --Washer current location longitude

The PUT /users/washer/:id Endpoint returns the following JSON information:

  "washerId": 2,                  --Int     --Washer Id
  "userId": 26,                   --Int     --User Id for washer
  "workStatus": true,             --Boolean --If washer is available for work
  "rateSmall": "30.00",           --Float   --Rate for a small job
  "rateMedium": "50.00",          --Float   --Rate for a medium job
  "rateLarge": "75.00",           --Float   --Rate for a large job
  "aboutMe": "I am a washer",     --String  --Washer bio
  "currentLocationLat": "55.667", --Float   --Washer current location latitude
  "currentLocationLon": "35.553", --Float   --Washer current location longitude
  "washerRating": 4,              --Float   --Washer's current rating
  "washerRatingTotal": 3,         --Int     --Number of ratings for the washer

The PUT /users/washer/rating/:id Endpoint takes in the following JSON information: Takes in a valid washer id in the url.

 "washerRating": 4                    --Float --updates and averages automatically

The PUT /users/washer/rating/:id Endpoint returns the following JSON information:

  "washerId": 2                     --Int     --Washer Id
  "userId": 26,                     --Int     --User's Id
  "workStatus": true,               --Boolean --If washer is available for work
  "rateSmall": "30.00",             --Float   --Washer price for small job
  "rateMedium": "50.00",            --Float   --Washer price for medium job
  "rateLarge": "75.00",             --Float   --Washer price for large job
  "aboutMe": "I am a washer",       --String  --Description of washer/Bio
  "currentLocationLat": "55.777",   --Float   --Current location latitude
  "currentLocationLon": "35.555",   --Float   --Current location longitude
  "washerRating": 3,                --Float   --Updated washer rating
  "washerRatingTotal": 2            --Int     --Number of ratings for washer

The GET /users/available/:city Endpoint returns the following JSON information: Takes a city name in the url.

        "id": 2,
        "accountType": "washer",
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "firstName": "chris",
        "lastName": "chris2",
        "phoneNumber": null,
        "stripeUUID": null,
        "streetAddress": null,
        "streetAddress2": null,
        "city": "tampa",
        "state": null,
        "zip": null,
        "profilePicture": "",
        "bannerImage": "",
        "creationDate": "2020-06-08T22:58:28.769-04:00",
        "userRating": null,
        "userRatingTotal": 1,
        "washerId": 1,
        "userId": 2,
        "workStatus": true,
        "rateSmall": null,
        "rateMedium": "50.00",
        "rateLarge": null,
        "aboutMe": null,
        "currentLocationLat": 55.67123,
        "currentLocationLon": -121.445511,
        "washerRating": null,
        "washerRatingTotal": 1

Cars routes

The GET /cars/ Endpoint returns the following array of JSON information:

    "carId": 1,                     --Int     --Id of car object
    "clientId": 6,                  --Int     --Id of user
    "make": "ford",                 --String  --Make of car
    "model": "mustang",             --String  --Model of car
    "year": 1996,                   --Int     --Year of car
    "color": "blue",                --String  --Color of car
    "licensePlate": "xyz 123",      --String  --License plate number
    "photo": "some url",            --String  --Url address of photo of car
    "category": "car",              --String  --Type of car(car/suv/truck/van/etc.)
    "size": "small"                 --String  --Size of car(small/medium/large)

The POST /cars/ Endpoint takes in the following JSON information:

  "clientId": 6,                  --Required  --Int     --Id of user
  "make": "ford",                 --Required  --String  --Make of car
  "model": "mustang",             --Required  --String  --Model of car
  "year": 1996,                   --Required  --Int     --Year of car
  "color": "blue",                --Required  --String  --Color of car
  "licensePlate": "xyz 123",      --Required  --String  --License plate number
  "photo": "some url",                        --String  --Url address of photo of car
  "category": "car",              --Required  --String  --Type of car(car/suv/truck/van/etc.)
  "size": "small"                 --Required  --String  --Size of car(small/medium/large)

The POST /cars/ Endpoint returns the following JSON information:

  "carId": 1,                     --Int     --Id of new car object
  "clientId": 6,                  --Int     --Id of user
  "make": "ford",                 --String  --Make of car
  "model": "mustang",             --String  --Model of car
  "year": 1996,                   --Int     --Year of car
  "color": "blue",                --String  --Color of car
  "licensePlate": "xyz 123",      --String  --License plate number
  "photo": "some url",            --String  --Url address of photo of car
  "category": "car",              --String  --Type of car(car/suv/truck/van/etc.)
  "size": "small"                 --String  --Size of car(small/medium/large)

The GET /cars/:id Endpoint returns the following JSON information: Takes in a valid car id in the url.

  "carId": 1,                     --Int     --Id of car object
  "clientId": 6,                  --Int     --Id of user
  "make": "ford",                 --String  --Make of car
  "model": "mustang",             --String  --Model of car
  "year": 1996,                   --Int     --Year of car
  "color": "blue",                --String  --Color of car
  "licensePlate": "xyz 123",      --String  --License plate number
  "photo": "some url",            --String  --Url address of photo of car
  "category": "car",              --String  --Type of car(car/suv/truck/van/etc.)
  "size": "small"                 --String  --Size of car(small/medium/large)

The PUT /cars/:id Endpoint takes in any of the following JSON information: Takes in a valid car id in the url.

  "make": "ford",                 --String  --Make of car
  "model": "mustang",             --String  --Model of car
  "year": 1996,                   --Int     --Year of car
  "color": "blue",                --String  --Color of car
  "licensePlate": "xyz 123",      --String  --License plate number
  "photo": "some url",            --String  --Url address of photo of car
  "category": "car",              --String  --Type of car(car/suv/truck/van/etc.)
  "size": "small"                 --String  --Size of car(small/medium/large)

The PUT /cars/:id Endpoint returns the following JSON information:

  "carId": 1,                     --Int     --Id of new car object
  "clientId": 6,                  --Int     --Id of user
  "make": "ford",                 --String  --Make of car
  "model": "mustang",             --String  --Model of car
  "year": 1996,                   --Int     --Year of car
  "color": "blue",                --String  --Color of car
  "licensePlate": "xyz 123",      --String  --License plate number
  "photo": "some url",            --String  --Url address of photo of car
  "category": "car",              --String  --Type of car(car/suv/truck/van/etc.)
  "size": "small"                 --String  --Size of car(small/medium/large)

The DELETE /cars/:id Endpoint returns the following JSON information: Takes in a valid car id in the url.

    "message": "Successfully deleted 1 car"

Jobs Routes

The POST /jobs/new Endpoint needs the following JSON information:

  "washAddress": "42 Wallaby Way Sydney", --Required  --String  --Address of job(used to calculate jobLocationLat and jobLocationLon variables if none are provided with the request. Only works for US addresses.)
  "scheduled": true,                                  --Boolean --Defaults to true
  "completed": false,                                 --Boolean --Defaults to false
  "paid": false,                                      --Boolean --Defaults to false
  "clientId": 4,                          --Required  --Int     --Represents the user's ID
  "washerId": null,                                   --Int     --Represents Id of accepting washer
  "carId": 1,                             --Required  --Int     --Represents the car ID
  "address": "123 First St",              --Required  --String  --Address of Job
  "address2": "APT 2",                                --String  --Adress second line
  "jobLocationLat": null,                             --Float   --Latitude of job location
  "jobLocationLon": null,                             --Float   --Longitude of job location
  "city": "tampa",                        --Required  --String  --City of job location
  "state": "FL",                          --Required  --String  --State of job location
  "zip": "60184",                         --Required  --String  --Zip of job location
  "notes": null,                                      --String  --Additional notes or requests
  "jobType": "basic",                     --Required  --String  --Type of service(basic/premium/full)
  "photoBeforeJob": null,                             --String  --photo url of before job
  "photoAfterJob": null,                              --String  --photo url of after job
  "timeRequested": "12:00 PM",            --Required  --String  --Time requested for job
  "timeCompleted": null                               --String  --Time job was completed
  "dateScheduled": "05-30-1983"             --String  --Date the job was scheduled
  "timeArrrived": "12:00 PM"                --String  --Time arrived at the job

The POST /jobs/new Endpoint returns the following JSON information:

  "jobId": 1,                               --Int     --New Job Id
  "washAddress": "42 Wallaby Way Sydney",   --String  --Address of job
  "scheduled": true,                        --Boolean --Defaults to true
  "completed": false,                       --Boolean --Defaults to false
  "paid": false,                            --Boolean --Defaults to false
  "clientId": 4,                            --Int     --Represents the user's ID
  "washerId": null,                         --Int     --Represents Id of accepting washer
  "carId": 1,                               --Int     --Represents the car ID
  "creationDate": "time stamp",             --String  --Time stamp of job creation
  "address": "123 First St",                --String  --Address of Job
  "address2": "APT 2",                      --String  --Adress second line
  "jobLocationLat": "38.132456",            --Float   --Latitude of job location(calculated by washAddress unless provided)
  "jobLocationLon": "-121.123654",          --Float   --Longitude of job location(calculated by washAddress unless provided)
  "city": "tampa",                          --String  --City of job location
  "state": "FL",                            --String  --State of job location
  "zip": "60184",                           --String  --Zip of job location
  "notes": null,                            --String  --Additional notes or requests
  "jobType": "basic",                       --String  --Type of service(basic/premium/full)
  "photoBeforeJob": null,                   --String  --photo url of before job
  "photoAfterJob": null,                    --String  --photo url of after job
  "timeRequested": "12:00 PM",              --String  --Time requested for job
  "timeCompleted": null                     --String  --Time job was completed
  "dateScheduled": "05-30-1983"             --String  --Date the job was scheduled
  "timeArrrived": "12:00 PM"                --String  --Time arrived at the job

The GET /jobs/available/:id Endpoint returns an array of the following JSON information: Takes in a washer id in the url.

    "id": 5,                        --Int     --User's Id
    "accountType": "washer",        --String  --User's account type
    "email": "[email protected]",    --String  --User's Email
    "firstName": "Chris2",          --String  --User's First Name
    "lastName": "Adams",            --String  --User's Last Name
    "phoneNumber": null,            --String  --User's Phone Number
    "stripeUUID": null,             --String  --Stipe Id
    "streetAddress": null,          --String  --User's Address
    "streetAddress2": null,         --String  --User's Address
    "city": "Kingman",              --String  --User/Job City
    "state": "AZ",                  --String  --User/Job State
    "zip": "86409",                 --String  --User/Job Zip
    "profilePicture": "",           --String  --User's profile url
    "bannerImage": "",              --String  --User's banner image
    "creationDate": "date created", --String  --Job creation Date
    "userRating": null,             --Float   --User's Rating
    "userRatingTotal": 1,           --Int     --Amount of ratings
    "jobId": 5,                     --Int     --Job Id
    "washAddress": "123 s street",  --String  --Address of job
    "scheduled": true,              --Boolean --Wether Job is scheduled
    "completed": false,             --Boolean --Wether Job is completed
    "paid": false,                  --Boolean --Wether Job is Paid
    "clientId": 2,                  --Int     --User Id for the Job
    "washerId": null,               --Int     --Populates with washer id when accepted
    "carId": 7,                     --Int     --Id of car for job
    "address": "123 main st",       --String  --Address of Job
    "address2": null,               --String  --Address of Job
    "jobLocationLat": null,         --Float   --Job location latitude
    "jobLocationLon": null,         --Float   --Job location Longitude
    "notes": null,                  --String  --Notes for job
    "jobType": "basic",             --String  --Type of service requested
    "photoBeforeJob": null,         --String  --Url of before photo
    "photoAfterJob": null,          --String  --Url of after photo
    "timeRequested": "12:00 PM",    --String  --Time requested for job
    "timeCompleted": null           --String  --Time of job completion
    "dateScheduled": "05-30-1983"             --String  --Date the job was scheduled
    "timeArrrived": "12:00 PM"                --String  --Time arrived at the job

The GET /jobs/jobInfo/:id Endpoint returns the following JSON information: Takes in a valid job id in the url.

  "jobId": 1,                               --Int     --New Job Id
  "washAddress": "42 Wallaby Way Sydney",   --String  --Address of job
  "scheduled": true,                        --Boolean --Defaults to true
  "completed": false,                       --Boolean --Defaults to false
  "paid": false,                            --Boolean --Defaults to false
  "clientId": 4,                            --Int     --Represents the user's ID
  "washerId": null,                         --Int     --Represents Id of accepting washer
  "creationDate": "time stamp",             --String  --Time stamp of job creation
  "carId": 1,                               --Int     --Represents the car ID
  "address": "123 First St",                --String  --Address of Job
  "address2": "APT 2",                      --String  --Adress second line
  "jobLocationLat": null,                   --Float   --Latitude of job location
  "jobLocationLon": null,                   --Float   --Longitude of job location
  "city": "tampa",                          --String  --City of job location
  "state": "FL",                            --String  --State of job location
  "zip": "60184",                           --String  --Zip of job location
  "notes": null,                            --String  --Additional notes or requests
  "jobType": "basic",                       --String  --Type of service(basic/premium/full)
  "photoBeforeJob": null,                   --String  --photo url of before job
  "photoAfterJob": null,                    --String  --photo url of after job
  "timeRequested": "12:00 PM",              --String  --Time requested for job
  "timeCompleted": null                     --String  --Time job was completed
  "dateScheduled": "05-30-1983"             --String  --Date the job was scheduled
  "timeArrrived": "12:00 PM"                --String  --Time arrived at the job

The GET /jobs/user/:id Endpoint returns an array with the following JSON information: Takes in a valid user id in the url.

    "jobId": 1,                               --Int     --Job Id
    "washAddress": "42 Wallaby Way Sydney",   --String  --Address of job
    "scheduled": true,                        --Boolean --Defaults to true
    "completed": false,                       --Boolean --Defaults to false
    "paid": false,                            --Boolean --Defaults to false
    "clientId": 4,                            --Int     --Represents the user's ID
    "washerId": null,                         --Int     --Represents Id of accepting washer
    "creationDate": "time stamp",             --String  --Time stamp of job creation
    "carId": 1,                               --Int     --Represents the car ID
    "address": "123 First St",                --String  --Address of Job
    "address2": "APT 2",                      --String  --Adress second line
    "jobLocationLat": null,                   --Float   --Latitude of job location
    "jobLocationLon": null,                   --Float   --Longitude of job location
    "city": "tampa",                          --String  --City of job location
    "state": "FL",                            --String  --State of job location
    "zip": "60184",                           --String  --Zip of job location
    "notes": null,                            --String  --Additional notes or requests
    "jobType": "basic",                       --String  --Type of service(basic/premium/full)
    "photoBeforeJob": null,                   --String  --photo url of before job
    "photoAfterJob": null,                    --String  --photo url of after job
    "timeRequested": "12:00 PM",              --String  --Time requested for job
    "timeCompleted": null                     --String  --Time job was completed
    "dateScheduled": "05-30-1983"             --String  --Date the job was scheduled
    "timeArrrived": "12:00 PM"                --String  --Time arrived at the job

The GET /jobs/washer/:id Endpoint returns an array with the following JSON information: Takes in a valid washer id in the url.

    "jobId": 1,
    "washAddress": "123 this way",
    "scheduled": true,
    "completed": false,
    "paid": false,
    "clientId": 1,
    "washerId": 2,
    "creationDate": "2020-06-11T22:47:14.545-04:00",
    "carId": 1,
    "address": "123 this way",
    "address2": null,
    "jobLocationLat": "38.238646",
    "jobLocationLon": "-84.547482",
    "city": "chicago",
    "state": "IL",
    "zip": "33612",
    "notes": null,
    "jobType": "basic",
    "photoBeforeJob": null,
    "photoAfterJob": null,
    "timeRequested": "asap",
    "timeCompleted": null

The PUT /jobs/selectJob/:id Endpoint needs the following JSON information: Takes in a valid job id in the url and assigns a washer to a job.

  "washerID": 1  --Required --washer id to be assigned to job

The PUT /jobs/selectJob/:id Endpoint returns the following JSON information:

  "jobId": 1,                               --Int     --Job Id
  "washAddress": "42 Wallaby Way Sydney",   --String  --Address of job
  "scheduled": true,                        --Boolean --Defaults to true
  "completed": false,                       --Boolean --Defaults to false
  "paid": false,                            --Boolean --Defaults to false
  "clientId": 4,                            --Int     --Represents the user's ID
  "washerId": 2,                            --Int     --Newly added washer Id
  "creationDate": "time stamp",             --String  --Time stamp of job creation
  "carId": 1,                               --Int     --Represents the car ID
  "address": "123 First St",                --String  --Address of Job
  "address2": "APT 2",                      --String  --Adress second line
  "jobLocationLat": null,                   --Float   --Latitude of job location
  "jobLocationLon": null,                   --Float   --Longitude of job location
  "city": "tampa",                          --String  --City of job location
  "state": "FL",                            --String  --State of job location
  "zip": "60184",                           --String  --Zip of job location
  "notes": null,                            --String  --Additional notes or requests
  "jobType": "basic",                       --String  --Type of service(basic/premium/full)
  "photoBeforeJob": null,                   --String  --photo url of before job
  "photoAfterJob": null,                    --String  --photo url of after job
  "timeRequested": "12:00 PM",              --String  --Time requested for job
  "timeCompleted": null                     --String  --Time job was completed
  "dateScheduled": "05-30-1983"             --String  --Date the job was scheduled
  "timeArrrived": "12:00 PM"                --String  --Time arrived at the job

The PUT /jobs/job/:id Endpoint any of the following in JSON information: Takes in a valid job id in the url.

  "washAddress": "42 Wallaby Way Sydney",   --String  --Address of job
  "scheduled": true,                        --Boolean --Defaults to true
  "completed": false,                       --Boolean --Defaults to false
  "paid": false,                            --Boolean --Defaults to false
  "clientId": 4,                            --Int     --Represents the user's ID
  "washerId": 2,                            --Int     --Newly added washer Id
  "carId": 1,                               --Int     --Represents the car ID
  "address": "123 First St",                --String  --Address of Job
  "address2": "APT 2",                      --String  --Adress second line
  "jobLocationLat": null,                   --Float   --Latitude of job location
  "jobLocationLon": null,                   --Float   --Longitude of job location
  "city": "tampa",                          --String  --City of job location
  "state": "FL",                            --String  --State of job location
  "zip": "60184",                           --String  --Zip of job location
  "notes": null,                            --String  --Additional notes or requests
  "jobType": "basic",                       --String  --Type of service(basic/premium/full)
  "photoBeforeJob": null,                   --String  --photo url of before job
  "photoAfterJob": null,                    --String  --photo url of after job
  "timeRequested": "12:00 PM",              --String  --Time requested for job
  "timeCompleted": null                     --String  --Time job was completed
  "dateScheduled": "05-30-1983"             --String  --Date the job was scheduled
  "timeArrrived": "12:00 PM"                --String  --Time arrived at the job

The PUT /jobs/job/:id Endpoint returns following in JSON information:

  "jobId": 1,                               --Int     --Job Id
  "washAddress": "42 Wallaby Way Sydney",   --String  --Address of job
  "scheduled": true,                        --Boolean --Defaults to true
  "completed": false,                       --Boolean --Defaults to false
  "paid": false,                            --Boolean --Defaults to false
  "clientId": 4,                            --Int     --Represents the user's ID
  "washerId": 2,                            --Int     --Newly added washer Id
  "creationDate": "time stamp",             --String  --Time stamp of job creation
  "carId": 1,                               --Int     --Represents the car ID
  "address": "123 First St",                --String  --Address of Job
  "address2": "APT 2",                      --String  --Adress second line
  "jobLocationLat": null,                   --Float   --Latitude of job location
  "jobLocationLon": null,                   --Float   --Longitude of job location
  "city": "tampa",                          --String  --City of job location
  "state": "FL",                            --String  --State of job location
  "zip": "60184",                           --String  --Zip of job location
  "notes": null,                            --String  --Additional notes or requests
  "jobType": "basic",                       --String  --Type of service(basic/premium/full)
  "photoBeforeJob": null,                   --String  --photo url of before job
  "photoAfterJob": null,                    --String  --photo url of after job
  "timeRequested": "12:00 PM",              --String  --Time requested for job
  "timeCompleted": null                     --String  --Time job was completed
  "dateScheduled": "05-30-1983"             --String  --Date the job was scheduled
  "timeArrrived": "12:00 PM"                --String  --Time arrived at the job

The DELETE /jobs/job/:id Endpoint returns following in JSON information: Takes in a valid job id in the url.

  "message": "Job has been deleted"

Images Routes

The POST /images/profile/:id Endpoint needs the following Form-data information and takes a valid user id in the url:

The Key needs to be `profilePicture`,
The Value file can only have the types of .jpeg or .png

The POST /images/profile/:id Endpoint returns the following JSON information with the hosted image url:

    "id": 2,
    "accountType": "washer",
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "firstName": "test",
    "lastName": "last test",
    "phoneNumber": null,
    "stripeUUID": null,
    "streetAddress": "123 nowhere",
    "streetAddress2": null,
    "city": "chicago",
    "state": "IL",
    "zip": "33612",
    "profilePicture": "",
    "bannerImage": "",
    "creationDate": "2020-05-15T14:23:16.122-04:00",
    "userRating": null,
    "userRatingTotal": 1

The PUT /images/profile/:id Endpoint needs the following Form-data information and takes a valid user id in the url:

The Key needs to be `profilePicture`,
The Value file can only have the types of .jpeg or .png

The PUT /images/profile/:id Endpoint returns the following JSON information with the hosted image url:

    "id": 2,
    "accountType": "washer",
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "firstName": "test",
    "lastName": "last test",
    "phoneNumber": null,
    "stripeUUID": null,
    "streetAddress": "123 nowhere",
    "streetAddress2": null,
    "city": "chicago",
    "state": "IL",
    "zip": "33612",
    "profilePicture": "",
    "bannerImage": "",
    "creationDate": "2020-05-15T14:23:16.122-04:00",
    "userRating": null,
    "userRatingTotal": 1

The DELETE /images/profile/:id Endpoint needs a valid user id in the url and returns the following JSON information:

  "message" "picture deleted successfully"

The POST /images/banner/:id Endpoint needs the following Form-data information and takes a valid user id in the url:

The Key needs to be `bannerImage`,
The Value file can only have the types of .jpeg or .png

The POST images/banner/:id Endpoint returns the following JSON information with the hosted image url:

    "id": 2,
    "accountType": "washer",
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "firstName": "test",
    "lastName": "last test",
    "phoneNumber": null,
    "stripeUUID": null,
    "streetAddress": "123 nowhere",
    "streetAddress2": null,
    "city": "chicago",
    "state": "IL",
    "zip": "33612",
    "profilePicture": "",
    "bannerImage": "",
    "creationDate": "2020-05-15T14:23:16.122-04:00",
    "userRating": null,
    "userRatingTotal": 1

The PUT /images/banner/:id Endpoint needs the following Form-data information and takes a valid user id in the url:

The Key needs to be `bannerImage`,
The Value file can only have the types of .jpeg or .png

The PUT /images/banner/:id Endpoint returns the following JSON information with the hosted image url:

    "id": 2,
    "accountType": "washer",
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "firstName": "test",
    "lastName": "last test",
    "phoneNumber": null,
    "stripeUUID": null,
    "streetAddress": "123 nowhere",
    "streetAddress2": null,
    "city": "chicago",
    "state": "IL",
    "zip": "33612",
    "profilePicture": "",
    "bannerImage": "",
    "creationDate": "2020-05-15T14:23:16.122-04:00",
    "userRating": null,
    "userRatingTotal": 1

The DELETE /images/banner/:id Endpoint needs a valid user id in the url and returns the following JSON information:

  "message" "picture deleted successfully"

The POST /images/job/before/:id Endpoint needs the following Form-data information and takes a valid job id in the url:

The Key needs to be `photoBeforeJob`,
The Value file can only have the types of .jpeg or .png

The POST /images/job/before/:id Endpoint returns the following JSON information with the hosted image url:

    "jobId": 2,
    "washAddress": "123 this way",
    "scheduled": true,
    "completed": false,
    "paid": false,
    "clientId": 2,
    "washerId": null,
    "creationDate": "2020-05-15T14:42:34.168-04:00",
    "carId": 1,
    "address": "123 this way",
    "address2": null,
    "jobLocationLat": null,
    "jobLocationLon": null,
    "city": "chicago",
    "state": "IL",
    "zip": "33612",
    "notes": null,
    "jobType": "basic",
    "photoBeforeJob": "",
    "photoAfterJob": null,
    "timeRequested": "asap",
    "timeCompleted": null

The POST /images/job/after/:id Endpoint needs the following Form-data information and takes a valid job id in the url:

The Key needs to be `photoAfterJob`,
The Value file can only have the types of .jpeg or .png

The POST /images/job/after/:id Endpoint returns the following JSON information with the hosted image url:

    "jobId": 2,
    "washAddress": "123 this way",
    "scheduled": true,
    "completed": false,
    "paid": false,
    "clientId": 2,
    "washerId": null,
    "creationDate": "2020-05-15T14:42:34.168-04:00",
    "carId": 1,
    "address": "123 this way",
    "address2": null,
    "jobLocationLat": null,
    "jobLocationLon": null,
    "city": "chicago",
    "state": "IL",
    "zip": "33612",
    "notes": null,
    "jobType": "basic",
    "photoBeforeJob": null,
    "photoAfterJob": "",
    "timeRequested": "asap",
    "timeCompleted": null

The POST /images/car/:id Endpoint needs the following Form-data information and takes a valid car id in the url:

The Key needs to be `photo`,
The Value file can only have the types of .jpeg or .png

The POST /images/car/:id Endpoint returns the following JSON information with the hosted image url:

    "carId": 1,
    "clientId": 1,
    "make": "carmake",
    "model": "carmodel",
    "year": 1998,
    "color": "red",
    "licensePlate": "xyf 123",
    "photo": "",
    "category": "truck",
    "size": "small"

2️⃣ Actions

Github Actions are in place to run unit tests an update the code climate coverage.

3️⃣ Environment Variables

In order for the app to function correctly, the user must set up their own environment variables.

create a .env file that includes the following:

LOCAL_DB_PASSWORD= Your local postgres database password LOCAL_DB_DATABASE_DEV= Your local database name LOCAL_DB_HOST= Your local database host LOCAL_DB_PORT= Your local database port LOCAL_DB_USER= Your local database username JWT_SECRET= A string of your chosing for the web token encryption STRIPE_SECRET=sk_test_TmP3OMa8RzmSvdwTxgvpDt4J000NX2dVjV S3_IMAGES_SECRET_KEY S3_IMAGES_SECRET_KEY_ID S3_REGION


See Frontend Documentation for details on the frontend of our project.


Express/Knex/Postgres Backend API for Lambda Labs PT6-WoWo




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