SuperSprint is an attempt to recreate the famous game I've been playing for hours when I was a kid on our good old Atari ST 520 (What did SuperSprint look like actually ?), on the web. I would really like to make this a multiplayer game (using websockets ?), this is the milestone I'd like to reach.
I'm using the following javascript technologies :
- Box2dweb physics engine : I've tried several javascript physics engines so far, but none of them contained half the documentation, the stackoverflow-answer base, features and/or helpers box2dweb has.
- Pixi JS : pixi seems to be the 2D rendering engine that has this great WebGL with canvas fallback, plus the community is very dynamic as far as I can tell.
- NodeJS : very handy self-contained webserver, and their seems not to be much to set up for in the near future.
I Hope you like it !!
In the app/ folder, you'll find a node server (node_server.js) you can start using the command node node_server.js
(you have to install nodeJS first !). After that just start chrome localhost:8000
and point to app/index.html.
######url params
You can call different tracks using url params:
This url loads :
track 1 of those contained in TracksConfig array (see
2 instances of the 0th car config (find it [here] (
Note : the first car index provided corresponds to the player's car.
######game process starting point The main game process is situated in
######Box2D and Pixi fighting for canvas space
You can show/hide box2d debugging info by un/commenting this line in
You can show/hide pixi sprites by un/commenting the following line in (I agree this is weird)
All the infos for creating assets are (or will be) in the assets folder