A server to collect crash data of your android applications
- Email notification on new crash
- Grouping of similar crashes into "issues"
- Dashboard for all applications with some statistics
- Dashboard for a single application with some statistics
There is a demo server running (with very few crashes halas, we are looking for crash data to feed this DB): http://acra-server-demo.marvinlabs.com/dashboard
Report Url: http://www.yourdomain.com/crash/add
The app can be installed on your server using two methods:
- by uploading a complete zip file and manually creating the database (requires FTP and database access)
- by installing the Symfony framework first and then this bundle (requires command line access to git, php and composer on your server)
- Download the application including the Symfony framework from http://www.vincentprat.info/tmp/acra-server-1.0.0.zip
- Upload the zip content on your server
- Give permissions
to directoriesapp/logs
- Create the DB tables with the help from the file
included in the ZIP - Copy the
file toapp/config/parameters.yml
- Make your (sub-)domain point to the directory acra-server/web
- Edit
to enter the connection details to your database server and the email addresses for notifications - If all is fine, you should be able to access the app at http://www.yourdomain.com/dashboard
If you are seeing the page with screwed CSS and/or some Javascript errors, you might need to run a PHP command on your server:
php app/console assetic:dump --env=prod --no-debug
If you have a solution to get rid of that extra-step, I have opened a question on StackOverflow
This app is nothing more than a regular Symfony bundle and can be installed as such (I am no Symfony expert, feel free to give your feedback on that install procedure):
- Install the bundle from gitHub (git://github.com/marvinlabs/acra-server.git) on your server
- Give permissions 777 to directories app/logs and app/cache
- Run composer to install the Symfony framework
- Copy the
file toapp/config/parameters.yml
- Edit
to enter the connection details to your database server and the email addresses for notifications - Run the php commands to setup the project:
// If the DB is not created
php app/console doctrine:database:create --env=prod
// Create the DB tables
php app/console doctrine:schema:update --force --env=prod
// Prepare the CSS and JS
php app/console assets:install --env=prod --no-debug
php app/console assetic:dump --env=prod --no-debug
- If all is fine, you should be able to access the app at http://www.yourdomain.com/dashboard