Backend site for the pet profile site
- Javascript
- Javascript design patterns
- Node.js
- JSON Web Token (JWT)
To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.
- Install node.
Git clone this repo.
Inside the project's root folder
Create a
file in the root repository of the project according to the.env_example
Run the following commands to start the application:
yarn install
yarn start
Open http://localhost:8080 to view it in the browser.
The user can login in and create an account.
The user can access the following functions application:
- Display a list of registered pets on home page
- A logged in user can add a pet to their list of owned pets
This section has moved here:
- Instructions can be found here.
- Container Registry and Runtime(Docker Deploys)
- You may have to disable the eslint plugin
This project is MIT licensed.