A collection of data taken from PCgen/data.
Data in this repo is automatically maintained: updates from the source repos are pulled automatically every day at 5:00am EST.
This repo exists to have a repo with all of the most recent sources to be used in conjunction with PCGen. The Data-Updater script I wrote uses this repo as its source, ensuring you only download data pack updates and not all of PCGen's source code every time you wish to get the newest content fixes. However, you may also download this repo manually from GitHub by clicking on the green Code button, then clicking Download ZIP.
You may also use git to pull this repo automatically whenever new updates are pushed to it.
Note 1: this repo will not include BahamutDragon's data packs as I have no easy way to automatically differentiate between which files are compatible with PCGen 6.08 or 6.09 for this repo. Instructions to download BahamutDragon's data packs are available on their repo.
Note 2: this repo will not include PCGen's New-Sources data packs - as these data packs are considered in progress and incomplete.