If you are familiar with git I would suggest that you clone this repository as you would normally.
If you would rather not work with git, you can press the download button on the right. Or click this link. Just extract the zip file and navigate to it in terminal.
If you are on a Mac, please install Node through homebrew.
brew install node
Once installed, navigate to the root of this repository in terminal. There you need to setup the libraries that this depends on, just run:
npm install
(Note that an internet connection is required for both of these steps.)
This will setup noble and a few helper libraries. Noble handles all Bluetooth Low Energy connectivity, and the majority of this code interfaces with its functions.
Connect to any Beans in the area.
node connect.js
Connect to device names that you specify explicitly, don't forget the quotes.
node connect.js "device1name" "device2name"
To exit, in terminal, press control + c
this will disconnect from the Beans cleanly.
The script will connect to any Bean it can find, and read data from each of the characteristics. It will then write OSC packets to
the port listed in port-record/mpr.edn
under the :processing-bean
key. Just listen to this port to see data.