I have collected many FREE resources and may add many more in the future thanks :) It will help you a lot :D
Credits are also included for some google docs
Some (2) are taken from Mr.Nickapic from this repo If that link doesnt work please try this link or this.
CyberAces tutorials Windows, Linux, Networking, PowerShell, Bash, Python
ITMASTERS Free Short Course on PenTesting and a free exam at the end.
Introduction to Cyber Security (Skillsforall)
These can also be found on TCM's PEH course or on YouTube below. The course he offers is free on YouTube. He also does giveaways which can be found on TCM's Twitter
TheCyberMentor YouTube Channel. PEH course is divided into categories in his channel for FREE!!
NOTE: Some are taken from EbookFoundation
ITMASTERS Free Short Course Computer Network Fundamentals and a free exam at the end.
An Introduction to Computer Networks (HTML, PDF, Kindle)
Code Connected vol.1 (PDF) (book on ZeroMQ)
Computer Networking : Principles, Protocols and Practice (HTML, ePub, PDF, Kindle)
Computer Networks: A Systems Approach - Larry Peterson and Bruce Davie (HTML, epub, mobi, PDF)
High-Performance Browser Networking - Ilya Grigorik
How HTTPS Works - DNSimple
HTTP Succinctly, Syncfusion (PDF, Kindle) (email address requested, not required)
HTTP2 Explained - Daniel Stenberg
Introduction to HTTP - Launch School
IPv6 for IPv4 Experts - Yar Tikhiy (PDF)
Kafka, The definitive Guide - Neha Narkhede (PDF)
Network Science - Albert-Laszló Barabási
(These can also be very helpfull for eCCPTv2)
Explore Hidden Networks with Double Pivoting - Pentest.blog
Note : Some are taken from EbookFoundation
C++ For Programmers - Catherine Gamboa (Udacity)
C++ Tutorial by The Bad Tutorials
C++ Tutorial for Beginners - Full Course - Mike Dane - (freeCodeCamp)
Introduction to C++ (MIT's opencourseware)
C Programming Tutorial for Beginners - Mike Dane - (freeCodeCamp)
C# 101 - Scott Hanselman, Kendra Havens Microsoft.
C# Tutorial - Full Course for Beginners - Mike Dane - (freeCodeCamp)
Learn how to program: C# - Epicodus Inc.
Powershell101 book is from learnpub
PowerShell Beginners Guide (More Resources in the bottom on that page)
All the things PowerShell (YouTube) - By Shane Young
PowerShell For Beginners Full Course (YouTube) - By Nerd's lesson
Attacking AD PEH notes by RubenFormation (Attacking and Setup)
Active Directory Pentesting Cheat Sheet - InfoSec Writups
Thank's to Jayy for these resources
Resources for eCCPTv2, OSCP and many more
Windows and AD Cheat Sheets
Penetration Tools Cheat Sheet
Pen Testing Bookmarks
Precompiled Exploits:
OSCP Cheat Sheets
CEH Cheat Sheet
Net Bios Scan Cheat Sheet
Reverse Shell Cheat Sheet
NMap Cheat Sheet
Linux Commands Cheat Sheet
Security Hardening CentO 7
MetaSploit Cheat Sheet
Google Hacking Database:
Windows Assembly Language Mega