I built this plugin from a need of using a micro framework as Slim but inside Wordpress.
Copy wp-slim-framework folder with all it's content's into /wp-content/plugins directory.
From Wordpress administrator enable the plugin and you are ready to go. But keep in mind that after enabling this plugin
Wordpress must use permalinks Settings -> Permalinks
use any structure except default one and Save changes
To use it all you have to do is to map your routes.
This plugin will register your routes when action slim_mapping
is triggered.
This action has one argument which is the Slim object.
Example of usage:
printf("User is %s",$user);
Example of usage inside of a class:
class Rest{
function __construct(){
function slim_mapping($slim){
//if needed the class context
$context = $this;
//.... and so on
function printUser($user){
printf("User is %s",$user);
The default base path of the url is /slim/api
. Added the possibility to change the base path, it can be found
in Settings -> Slim Framework
Note: All routes must have the default base path /slim/api
or the one used here Settings -> Slim Framework
This is added to avoid misunderstandings with Wordpress permalinks.