I am as excited about your project as I am about mine.
- Minneapolis, MN
- http://www.brandonpampuch.dev
- Pro
Understanding customer sentiment: analyzing 1,000 online reviews for Southwest Airlines
Using data pulled from an api, to augment prompts to openai api
Source code for Django For Beginners, Fifth Edition.
Trying the todo list just using DOM manipulation and Javascript
Dataset with 5 million images depicting human-made and natural landmarks spanning 200 thousand classes.
Updated Oct 24, 2018
Brandon-Pampuch / Sprint-Challenge--User-Interface
Forked from bloominstituteoftechnology/Sprint-Challenge--User-InterfaceThis is the sprint challenge for the User Interface and Git sprint
Preprocessing Module 1
Brandon-Pampuch / JavaScript30
Forked from wesbos/JavaScript3030 Day Vanilla JS Challenge
Set up a modern web app by running one command.