- Austin, TX
nvm Public
Forked from nvm-sh/nvmNode Version Manager - POSIX-compliant bash script to manage multiple active node.js versions
Shell MIT License UpdatedAug 16, 2021 -
graal Public
Forked from oracle/graalGraalVM: Run Programs Faster Anywhere 🚀
Java Other UpdatedDec 25, 2020 -
core Public
Forked from home-assistant/core🏡 Open source home automation that puts local control and privacy first
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJul 22, 2020 -
fastmate Public
Forked from joelekstrom/fastmateA native Fastmail-wrapper for Mac.
Objective-C MIT License UpdatedJun 30, 2020 -
ripgrep Public
Forked from BurntSushi/ripgrepripgrep recursively searches directories for a regex pattern
Rust The Unlicense UpdatedFeb 29, 2020 -
business-rules Public
Forked from venmo/business-rulesPython DSL for setting up business intelligence rules that can be configured without code
Python MIT License UpdatedDec 12, 2019 -
elasticsearch-sql Public
Forked from NLPchina/elasticsearch-sqlUse SQL to query Elasticsearch
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJun 16, 2019 -
PyMySQL Public
Forked from PyMySQL/PyMySQLPure Python MySQL Client
Python MIT License UpdatedAug 13, 2018 -
tower-of-power Public
Forked from kach/tower-of-powerWhat is hip? Tell me, tell me (if you think you know)
Python UpdatedJul 29, 2018 -
py-enumerable Public
Forked from viralogic/py-enumerableA Python module used for interacting with collections of objects using LINQ syntax
Python MIT License UpdatedJul 6, 2018 -
pyicloudreminders Public
Forked from picklepete/pyicloudA Python + iCloud wrapper to access Reminder data
Python MIT License UpdatedApr 11, 2018 -
asq Public
Forked from sixty-north/asqasq is simple implementation of a LINQ-inspired API for Python which operates over Python iterables
Python MIT License UpdatedDec 4, 2017 -
Query AWS resources with SQL
Python MIT License UpdatedOct 19, 2017 -
python-fire Public
Forked from google/python-firePython Fire is a library for automatically generating command line interfaces (CLIs) from absolutely any Python object.
Python Other UpdatedApr 9, 2017 -
prettyprint Public
Forked from mitsuhiko/prettyprintA prettyprinter for Python
Python Other UpdatedJun 17, 2016 -
debinate Public
Forked from rholder/debinateRoll up your projects into little standalone Debian packages.
Shell Apache License 2.0 UpdatedApr 22, 2016 -
omnibus Public
Forked from chef/omnibusEasily create full-stack installers for your project across a variety of platforms.
Ruby Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJun 16, 2015 -
homoiconic Public
Forked from raganwald-deprecated/homoiconicAn experiment in publishing code and words about code on a small scale.
Ruby Other UpdatedMay 26, 2015