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Chatty (Bukkit plugin)

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Chatty is the unique Bukkit-plugin, that supports all modern Bukkit-servers, such as Thermos, Cauldron, Spigot, PaperSpigot e t.c. This plugin doesn't have any non-switchable options. It's simple, stable and lightweight.

  • Chats, such as local and global chats. Also you can add another chat.
  • Chats separation by permission. For example, if you have permission "", but have "" , your message will sent at global chat.
  • Spy-mode permission. Players with "chatty.spy" permission can see all messages from all chats.
  • Vault API support.
  • Advancements announcements system.
  • Cooldowns for chats.
  • Auto-messages system.
  • Private messages system.

Permissions<chat> (<chat>.see or<chat_mode>.send) - grants access for chat.
chatty.spy.<chat> or chatty.spy - allows to see all messages from chat-modes.
chatty.command.spy - allows to use "/spy" command for enabling/disabling spy-mode.
chatty.command.reload - allows to use "/chatty" command for reloading configuration.
chatty.command.msg - allows to use "/msg" command.
chatty.command.reply - allows to use "/reply" command.<style> or<style>.<chat> - allows to use styles in chat
    (styles: colors, bold, magic, reset, italic, underline, strikethrough).<list> - allows to see messages from Chat notification list.
chatty.notification.advancements.<list> - allows to see messages from Advancements notification list.
chatty.notification.actionbar - allows to see messages from ActionBar notification.
chatty.moderation.advertisement - bypass advertisement moderation.
chatty.moderation.caps - bypass caps moderation.
chatty.cooldown or chatty.cooldown.<chat-mode> - allows to bypass cooldown of chat.

Comparison with ChatEx

Feature ChatEx Chatty
Vault support + +
Advertisement protection + +
PlaceholderAPI support + +
BungeeCord support - +
Replacement of AutoMessage - +
Advancements and ActionBar notifications - +
Custom chat groups - +
Cooldowns - +
Built-in spy-mode - +
Private messages - +
New 1.16+ hex color codes - +

Hex color codes and gradient

Warning: Early versions of Spigot/PaperSpigot may not be supported. Use only latest builds to correct work of Chatty 1.16 features

Chatty supports new 1.16+ color codes. To add a new color code in your chat format, you need use the following pattern:


{#12ABCD} is hex code. You also can combine it with style codes:



You can create various multi-color gradient strings with this pattern:

{#ffffff:#0039a6:#d52b1e This is awesome tricolor gradient}

Number of hex codes is unlimited:

{#d818c4:#ae6be6:#0f7584:#7983a7:#a793ba:#34344b This is multicolor gradient}

In-game gradient example


See default configuration in src/main/java/resources/config.yml.

A little life-hack

You can delete all excess blocks and keep only needed features.

Plugin will work even with this simple config:

    enable: true
    format: '{prefix}{player}{suffix}&r: {message}'
    permission: false


Project provides particular Maven module with API classes.

You can get access to plugin API with ChattyApi.get() method.

Now plugin has only one event in API: ChattyMessageEvent, that calls when any player messages the chat.


Chatty uses Gradle to handle dependencies & building.


  • Java 8 JDK or newer
  • Git

Compiling from source

git clone
cd Chatty/
./gradlew build

You can find the output jar in /build/libs directory.


Supports by MCSTUDIO