Hello, I've already worked with ui design with figma, improving my skills in creating beautiful and intuitive interfaces. I recently made a career transition, to android developer, since then, I have created some projects. My specialties include: Kotlin, Ui Design (figma)Room, Oop, mvvm, sdk, agile methodology (Scrum),git, GitHub. UI components, such as: TextView,EditText,Button,Toast for message display,Explicit Intent to open the second Activity,FindViewById to retrieve UI components,String resources .
🔭 I’m currently Looking for an oportunity as an Android Dev , UI Design
🌱 I’m currently learning Android Development and UI/UX Desingn
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on a real project with a dedicated team and a company thats likes people wo want to learn
💼 tools: Android studio /Figma
💌 Do you want to offer me an opprtunity?:
🦄 Email: [email protected]