Behold the gateway, index.ts
, where the auth server is summoned into existence, connecting with MongoDB and paving the way for the grand journey.
- All Authentication Methods are ready to go: SignUp, Login, Logout, VerifyEmail, ForgotPassword
- MongoDB for database
- Nodemailer for Emails
- JWT Authentication with AccessToken and RefreshToken cookies
- Clean Typescript with no type errors
Follow these steps to set up and explore the Authentication Server:
Clone the Repository:
git clone
Clone the repository to your local machine using the provided repository URL.
Navigate to Server and Install Dependencies:
cd auth_server yarn
Move into the
directory and install the required Node.js dependencies. -
Add Environment Variables:
Rename the sample env and add appropriate variables.
Launch the Server:
yarn run dev
Start the server in development mode with hot-reloading. Run this command within the
directory. The server will be live at the specified port. -
Open Postman Collection:
Load the postman collection in your postman and start testing the routes. Sample examples available in the collection
Express controller handling user registration, login, logout, activation, token refresh, and user data retrieval.
// src/controllers/user-controller.ts
import { Request,Response,NextFunction } from "express";
import userService from "../service/user-service";
import { AuthenticatedRequest } from "../middleware/auth-middleware";
import { ApiError } from "../exceptions/api-error";
class UserController {
// ... (controller code)
export default new UserController()
Data Transfer Object (DTO) for user data.
// src/dtos/user-dto.ts
export class UserDto {
// ... (UserDto code)
Custom API error class for handling various error scenarios.
// src/exceptions/api-error.ts
export class ApiError extends Error {
// ... (ApiError code)
Express middleware for validating and handling user authentication.
// src/middleware/auth-middleware.ts
import { Request, Response, NextFunction } from "express";
import { ApiError } from "../exceptions/api-error";
import tokenService, {UserJwtPayload } from "../service/token-service";
export default function authMiddleware(){
// ... (auth-middleware code)
Express middleware for handling errors and returning appropriate responses.
// src/middleware/error-middleware.ts
import { Request, Response, NextFunction } from "express";
import { ApiError } from "../exceptions/api-error";
export default function errorMiddleware(){
// ... (error-middleware code)
Mongoose model for storing refresh tokens.
// src/models/token-model.ts
import { Schema, model } from "mongoose";
const schema = new Schema<Token>({
// ... (token-model code)
export const TokenModel = model<Token>("Token", schema);
Mongoose model for storing user data.
// src/models/user-model.ts
import { Document, Schema, model } from "mongoose";
// ... (user-model code)
export const UserModel = model<User>("User", schema);
Express router defining routes for auth-related operations.
// src/router/auth-routes.ts
import { Router, Request, Response } from 'express'
import authController from '../controllers/auth-controller';
import authMiddleware from '../middleware/auth-middleware';
// ... (router code)
const authRouter = Router()"/signup", authController.signup);"/login", authController.login);
export default authRouter;
Express router defining routes for user-related operations.Authenticated requests
// src/router/auth-routes.ts
import { Router, Request, Response } from 'express'
import authMiddleware from '../middleware/auth-middleware';
import userController from '../controllers/user-controller';
// ... (router code)
const userRouter = Router()
userRouter.get('/getuser', authMiddleware, userController.getuser);
export default userRouter;
Controller to run services on routes.
// src/controllers/auth-controller.ts
import { Request,Response,NextFunction } from "express";
import authService from "../service/auth-service";
import { ApiError } from "../exceptions/api-error";
import { loginValidation, signupValidation } from "../validators/auth-validator";
import { AuthenticatedRequest } from "../middleware/auth-middleware";
class AuthController{
async signup(){}
async login(){}
export default new AuthController();
Service for handling authentication, User creation, Email verification and Forgot Password
// src/service/auth-service.ts
import { UserModel } from "../models/user-model"
import { TokenModel } from "../models/token-model";
import mailService from "./mail-service";
import { UserDto } from "../dtos/user-dto";
import tokenService from "./token-service";
class AuthService {
// ... (auth-service code)
export default new AuthService()
Service for sending activation emails using Nodemailer.
// src/service/mail-service.ts
import nodemailer, { Transporter } from "nodemailer";
class MailService {
async sendActivationMail(){
// ... (mail-service code)
Service for handling JWT tokens, including generation, validation, and storage.
// src/service/token-service.ts
import jwt, { JwtPayload } from "jsonwebtoken";
import { TokenModel } from "../models/token-model";
class TokenService {
// ... (token-service code)
export default new TokenService()
Service for user-related operations, including registration, activation, login, logout, token refresh, and user data retrieval.
// src/service/user-service.ts
import { UserDto } from "../dtos/user-dto";
import { UserModel } from "../models/user-model";
class UserService {
async getuser(){}
async updateuser(){}
// ... (user-service code)
export default new UserService()
Service for connecting to mongoDB.
// src/service/db-service.ts
import mongoose from "mongoose";
export const startDb = async (): Promise<void> => {}
export const closeDb = async (): Promise<void> => {}
Environment configuration file containing various parameters, such as port, database URL, JWT secrets, SMTP settings, and API URLs.
PORT = 5060
DB_URL = mongodb url
JWT_ACCESS_SECRET = access_secret
JWT_REFRESH_SECRET = refresh_secret
SMTP_USER = email_address
SMTP_PASSWORD = google_app_passwords
SERVER_API_URL = http://localhost:5060
Main server file that configures Express, connects to the MongoDB database, and starts the server.
// index.ts
import express from 'express';
import { startDb, closeDb } from './src/service/db-service';
import cors from 'cors'
import cookieParser from 'cookie-parser';
const PORT = process.env.PORT || 5000
const app = express();
// ... (index.ts code)
const startServer = async () => {
// ... (startServer code)
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.