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This repository is used to provide additional resources for BDLC_FS23
- Introduction to the module
- Setup Virtual Machine
- Installation of Apache Hadoop in Standalone Operation
├── disk.md # how to add additional disk space
├── install_hadoop.md # how to install Apache Hadoop in Standalone Operation
└── v01_exercises.md # exercises for this session
- HDFS, YARN and MapReduce.
- Run the Hadoop services as daemons (pseudo distributed mode).
- Learn how to navigate in
(listing, removing and adding files). - Write an own word count in python.
├── python_solution # solutions for v02_exercises
│ ├── mapper.py
│ └── reducer.py
├── install_hadoop_pseudo_distributed.md # how to install Apache Hadoop in Pseudo Distributed Mode
└── v02_exercises.md # exercises for this week
- Setup and Customize
. - Setup some dataset.
- Tune our
Cluster. - Get familiar with
├── 01_preparing_dataset.md # some example dataset
├── 02_install_jupyterlab.md # guide for installing JupyterLab
├── 03_jupyter_lab.md # guide for configuring JupyterLab
├── 04_install_mrjob.md # guide for installing MRJob
├── 05_tuning_yarn.md # using all cores and more memory
├── resources # used during the lesson
├── v03_exercises_material # exercise material
└── v03_exercises.md # exercises for this week
- Installation of MySQL
- Basics of SQL
- SQL to MapReduce
├── resources # used during the lesson
│ ├── SQL_to_MR # Used for SQL basic understanding and writing SQLs in MapReduce.
└── install_MySQL.md # Installation guide for mySQL and Python Magic.
- Hive
- Installation of Hive
├── 01_install_hive.md # Installation guide for Hive.
├── 02_ddl.md # Creating databases and tables. Insert data into tables with Hive.
├── resources # used during the lesson
│ ├── hive-site.xml # Config file for Hive. Will be used when we install Hive.
│ ├── Testing_Hive.ipynb # Testing if Hive itself works and if the JupyterLab extensions work with Hive as well.
│ └── Testing_MYSQL.ipynb # Testing if the metastore has been initialized. Testing SQL Magic for JupyterLab.
└── V05_exercises_material # Exercises for this week
- Pandas Workshop created by Stefanie Molin
└── pandas_course.md # Guide to run and install the workshop.
- Adding MovieLens 25M dataset to Hive.
- Together: Answering some questions to the MovieLens dataset.
- Parquet Files: how to read, save parquet files.
- Save the MovieLens files as parquet.
- Exercise with "die Post" dataset where we also use partitions.
├── 01_movie_lens # MovieLens 25M dataset
├── 02_parquet # Parquet and python
├── 03_movie_lens_parquet # All notebooks for movielens to parquet
├── v06_exercises_material # Exercises for this week
- Intro to Spark.
- Install Spark.
- Testing Spark Context and SQL Context in our setup.
- Testing Spark in JupyterLab.
- Exercises about Spark and RDDs.
├── v08_exercises_material # Exercises for this week
│ ├── 01_PySpark.ipynb # This exercise comes from [pnavaro](https://github.com/pnavaro/big-data)
│ └── 02_Text_Processing.ipynb # Word Count and Text-Generator
├── 01_spark_context.ipynb # Testing Spark Context in Jupyterlab.
├── 02_spark_sql.ipynb # Testing Spark-SQL in Jupyterlab.
├── install_spark.md # How to install Spark.
- Intro to Spark DataFrames (DF) and SQL
- DF Basics
- Analyzing unix.stackexchange.com
├── 01_Spark_SQL_Parquet_Compressed.ipynb # Speed test Spark SQL vs Hive (MapReduce)
├── 02_Spark_DF_Gutenberg.ipynb # Speed test gutenberg wordcount
├── 03_Spark_DF_Basics.ipynb # Basic usage for DFs (from the Book Spark - The Definitive Guide)
├── 04_unix.stackexchange.com.ipynb # DFs and the unix.stackexchange.com dataset (incl. some questions at the end)
Fokus: Projektarbeit
├── Projektartbeit # Template for the group-work
│ ├── dataset_ideas.md
│ └── Projektarbeit_Template.md
├── Jupyter_Notebooks_For_Taxi # Jupyter Files for Taxi Analysis
├── 1_stop_all_services.md # Creating a Cluster: stopping all services
├── 2_prepare_nodes.md # Creating a Cluster: prepare all node
├── 3_master_node.md # Creating a Cluster: setup the master node
├── 4_dataset.md # Creating a Cluster: dataset download and pushing to HDFS