Prepare by: Yangling Cai, Kevin Huang
- Analyze movies’ avg ratings and the total count of ratings by the users. Sorted by the total count of ratings.
- Analyze selected user’s rating and tags amount with movie title and time.
- Analyze trends by user choice of genre.
- to take user input to choose which function to perform
- for functionalities 1. JavaRDD reads ratings.csv and movies.csv, then sets movieid as key with select info as value. Join both JavaPairRDD and reducebykey to group by movieid and calculate. Using to sort the RDD. A class in movies.jar. Save local files.
- for functionalities 2. Take input as UserID to filter in the program. JavaRDD read ratings.csv and tags.csv, userid as key. Join movie.csv to get movies’ titles. Sorted by Date/Time. A class in movies.jar. Save local files.
- for functionalities 2. Take input as genre to filter in the program. JavaRDD read movies.csv, movieId as key. Join rating table for timestamps. Count for the genre of movies by years. A class in movies.jar. Save local files.
- for tuple key sorting.
- Movies.jar
- Input files: movies.csv delimiter with “;”, ratings.csv, tags.csv
- Require Apache Spark installed
- Clone or download from GitHub
- Unzip the, then copy all 3 csv files and paste back to the folder.
- Download .jar file from Canvas
- Place csv files in the same folder with .jar file
- Open folder in terminal where .jar file located
- Enter command spark-submit --class Main Movies.jar
- Select analysis to run
output/avg (Forrest Gump (1994),(3518,4.0579877)) (Shawshank Redemption, The (1994),(3488,4.4360666)) (Pulp Fiction (1994),(3418,4.1824164)) (Silence of the Lambs, The (1991),(3227,4.1315465)) (Matrix, The (1999),(3064,4.1607375)) (Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope (1977),(2931,4.10116)) (Jurassic Park (1993),(2745,3.6874318)) (Schindler's List (1993),(2545,4.2760315)) (Fight Club (1999),(2530,4.2262845)) (Braveheart (1995),(2516,3.9974165))
output/user99 (Sun Nov 26 10:10:09 PST 2017,(Shawshank Redemption, The (1994),5)) (Sun Nov 26 10:10:34 PST 2017,(Godfather, The (1972),3)) (Sun Nov 26 10:10:37 PST 2017,(Silence of the Lambs, The (1991),3)) (Sun Nov 26 10:10:53 PST 2017,(Matrix, The (1999),3)) (Sun Nov 26 10:10:55 PST 2017,(Green Mile, The (1999),3)) (Sun Nov 26 10:11:02 PST 2017,(Forrest Gump (1994),5)) (Sun Nov 26 10:11:03 PST 2017,(Fight Club (1999),4)) (Sun Nov 26 10:11:07 PST 2017,(City of God (Cidade de Deus) (2002),3)) (Sun Nov 26 10:11:13 PST 2017,(One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975),5)) (Sun Nov 26 10:11:17 PST 2017,(Pulp Fiction (1994),4)) (Sun Nov 26 10:11:27 PST 2017,(Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope (1977),2))
output/genre_trend/action (2007,278832) (2008,317096) (2009,237307) (2010,238573) (2011,200515)