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Release of panoptic segmentation task. Added scripts for evaluation a…
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jbehley committed Apr 1, 2020
1 parent 1a9a8ff commit 839b23f
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#### Evaluation

To evaluate the predictions of a method, use the [](./ to evaluate
semantic segmentation and [](./ to evaluate the semantic scene completion.
semantic segmentation, [](./ to evaluate the semantic scene completion and [](./ to evaluate panoptic segmentation.
**Important:** The labels and the predictions need to be in the original
label format, which means that if a method learns the cross-entropy mapped
classes, they need to be passed through the `learning_map_inv` dictionary
to be sent to the original dataset format. This is to prevent changes in the
dataset interest classes from affecting intermediate outputs of approaches,
since the original labels will stay the same.
For semantich segmentation, we provide the `` script to make this
For semantic segmentation, we provide the `` script to make this
shift before the training, and once again before the evaluation, selecting which are the interest
classes in the configuration file.
The data needs to be either:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -215,6 +215,11 @@ The data needs to be either:
$ ./ --dataset /path/to/kitti/dataset/ --predictions /path/to/method_predictions --split train/valid/test # depending of desired split to evaluate


$ ./ --dataset /path/to/kitti/dataset/ --predictions /path/to/method_predictions --split train/valid/test # depending of desired split to evaluate
- In the same directory as the dataset

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -291,7 +296,7 @@ organization or affiliation:
$ ./ --task {segmentation|completion} /path/to/ /path/to/kitti/dataset
$ ./ --task {segmentation|completion|panoptic} /path/to/ /path/to/kitti/dataset
to check your ``.

Expand All @@ -305,7 +310,7 @@ set, in order to weigh the loss for training, handling imbalanced data.

#### Generation

- []( generates a sequence of scans using the manually looped closed poses used in our labeling tool, and stores them as individual point clouds. If, for example, we want to generate a dataset cointaining, for each point cloud, the aggregation of itself with the previous 4 scans, then:
- []( generates a sequence of scans using the manually looped closed poses used in our labeling tool, and stores them as individual point clouds. If, for example, we want to generate a dataset containing, for each point cloud, the aggregation of itself with the previous 4 scans, then:

$ ./ --dataset /path/to/kitti/dataset/ --sequence_length 5 --output /path/to/put/new/dataset
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -356,4 +361,4 @@ And the paper for the [original KITTI dataset](
booktitle = {Proc.~of the IEEE Conf.~on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
pages = {3354--3361},
year = {2012}}
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@@ -0,0 +1,275 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3

# This file is covered by the LICENSE file in the root of this project.

import numpy as np
import time

class PanopticEval:
""" Panoptic evaluation using numpy
authors: Andres Milioto and Jens Behley

def __init__(self, n_classes, device=None, ignore=None, offset=100000, min_points=30):
self.n_classes = n_classes
assert (device == None)
self.ignore = np.array(ignore, dtype=np.int64)
self.include = np.array([n for n in range(self.n_classes) if n not in self.ignore], dtype=np.int64)

print("[PANOPTIC EVAL] IGNORE: ", self.ignore)
print("[PANOPTIC EVAL] INCLUDE: ", self.include)

self.offset = offset # largest number of instances in a given scan
self.min_points = min_points # smallest number of points to consider instances in gt
self.eps = 1e-15

def num_classes(self):
return self.n_classes

def reset(self):
# general things
# iou stuff
self.px_iou_conf_matrix = np.zeros((self.n_classes, self.n_classes), dtype=np.int64)
# panoptic stuff
self.pan_tp = np.zeros(self.n_classes, dtype=np.int64)
self.pan_iou = np.zeros(self.n_classes, dtype=np.double)
self.pan_fp = np.zeros(self.n_classes, dtype=np.int64)
self.pan_fn = np.zeros(self.n_classes, dtype=np.int64)

################################# IoU STUFF ##################################
def addBatchSemIoU(self, x_sem, y_sem):
# idxs are labels and predictions
idxs = np.stack([x_sem, y_sem], axis=0)

# make confusion matrix (cols = gt, rows = pred), tuple(idxs), 1)

def getSemIoUStats(self):
# clone to avoid modifying the real deal
conf = self.px_iou_conf_matrix.copy().astype(np.double)
# remove fp from confusion on the ignore classes predictions
# points that were predicted of another class, but were ignore
# (corresponds to zeroing the cols of those classes, since the predictions
# go on the rows)
conf[:, self.ignore] = 0

# get the clean stats
tp = conf.diagonal()
fp = conf.sum(axis=1) - tp
fn = conf.sum(axis=0) - tp
return tp, fp, fn

def getSemIoU(self):
tp, fp, fn = self.getSemIoUStats()
# print(f"tp={tp}")
# print(f"fp={fp}")
# print(f"fn={fn}")
intersection = tp
union = tp + fp + fn
union = np.maximum(union, self.eps)
iou = intersection.astype(np.double) / union.astype(np.double)
iou_mean = (intersection[self.include].astype(np.double) / union[self.include].astype(np.double)).mean()

return iou_mean, iou # returns "iou mean", "iou per class" ALL CLASSES

def getSemAcc(self):
tp, fp, fn = self.getSemIoUStats()
total_tp = tp.sum()
total = tp[self.include].sum() + fp[self.include].sum()
total = np.maximum(total, self.eps)
acc_mean = total_tp.astype(np.double) / total.astype(np.double)

return acc_mean # returns "acc mean"

################################# IoU STUFF ##################################

############################# Panoptic STUFF ################################
def addBatchPanoptic(self, x_sem_row, x_inst_row, y_sem_row, y_inst_row):
# make sure instances are not zeros (it messes with my approach)
x_inst_row = x_inst_row + 1
y_inst_row = y_inst_row + 1

# only interested in points that are outside the void area (not in excluded classes)
for cl in self.ignore:
# make a mask for this class
gt_not_in_excl_mask = y_sem_row != cl
# remove all other points
x_sem_row = x_sem_row[gt_not_in_excl_mask]
y_sem_row = y_sem_row[gt_not_in_excl_mask]
x_inst_row = x_inst_row[gt_not_in_excl_mask]
y_inst_row = y_inst_row[gt_not_in_excl_mask]

# first step is to count intersections > 0.5 IoU for each class (except the ignored ones)
for cl in self.include:
# print("*"*80)
# print("CLASS", cl.item())
# get a class mask
x_inst_in_cl_mask = x_sem_row == cl
y_inst_in_cl_mask = y_sem_row == cl

# get instance points in class (makes outside stuff 0)
x_inst_in_cl = x_inst_row * x_inst_in_cl_mask.astype(np.int64)
y_inst_in_cl = y_inst_row * y_inst_in_cl_mask.astype(np.int64)

# generate the areas for each unique instance prediction
unique_pred, counts_pred = np.unique(x_inst_in_cl[x_inst_in_cl > 0], return_counts=True)
id2idx_pred = {id: idx for idx, id in enumerate(unique_pred)}
matched_pred = np.array([False] * unique_pred.shape[0])
# print("Unique predictions:", unique_pred)

# generate the areas for each unique instance gt_np
unique_gt, counts_gt = np.unique(y_inst_in_cl[y_inst_in_cl > 0], return_counts=True)
id2idx_gt = {id: idx for idx, id in enumerate(unique_gt)}
matched_gt = np.array([False] * unique_gt.shape[0])
# print("Unique ground truth:", unique_gt)

# generate intersection using offset
valid_combos = np.logical_and(x_inst_in_cl > 0, y_inst_in_cl > 0)
offset_combo = x_inst_in_cl[valid_combos] + self.offset * y_inst_in_cl[valid_combos]
unique_combo, counts_combo = np.unique(offset_combo, return_counts=True)

# generate an intersection map
# count the intersections with over 0.5 IoU as TP
gt_labels = unique_combo // self.offset
pred_labels = unique_combo % self.offset
gt_areas = np.array([counts_gt[id2idx_gt[id]] for id in gt_labels])
pred_areas = np.array([counts_pred[id2idx_pred[id]] for id in pred_labels])
intersections = counts_combo
unions = gt_areas + pred_areas - intersections
ious = intersections.astype(np.float) / unions.astype(np.float)

tp_indexes = ious > 0.5
self.pan_tp[cl] += np.sum(tp_indexes)
self.pan_iou[cl] += np.sum(ious[tp_indexes])

matched_gt[[id2idx_gt[id] for id in gt_labels[tp_indexes]]] = True
matched_pred[[id2idx_pred[id] for id in pred_labels[tp_indexes]]] = True

# count the FN
self.pan_fn[cl] += np.sum(np.logical_and(counts_gt >= self.min_points, matched_gt == False))

# count the FP
self.pan_fp[cl] += np.sum(np.logical_and(counts_pred >= self.min_points, matched_pred == False))

def getPQ(self):
# first calculate for all classes
sq_all = self.pan_iou.astype(np.double) / np.maximum(self.pan_tp.astype(np.double), self.eps)
rq_all = self.pan_tp.astype(np.double) / np.maximum(
self.pan_tp.astype(np.double) + 0.5 * self.pan_fp.astype(np.double) + 0.5 * self.pan_fn.astype(np.double),
pq_all = sq_all * rq_all

# then do the REAL mean (no ignored classes)
SQ = sq_all[self.include].mean()
RQ = rq_all[self.include].mean()
PQ = pq_all[self.include].mean()

return PQ, SQ, RQ, pq_all, sq_all, rq_all

############################# Panoptic STUFF ################################

def addBatch(self, x_sem, x_inst, y_sem, y_inst): # x=preds, y=targets
''' IMPORTANT: Inputs must be batched. Either [N,H,W], or [N, P]
# add to IoU calculation (for checking purposes)
self.addBatchSemIoU(x_sem, y_sem)

# now do the panoptic stuff
self.addBatchPanoptic(x_sem, x_inst, y_sem, y_inst)

if __name__ == "__main__":
# generate problem from He paper (
classes = 5 # ignore, grass, sky, person, dog
cl_strings = ["ignore", "grass", "sky", "person", "dog"]
ignore = [0] # only ignore ignore class
min_points = 1 # for this example we care about all points

# generate ground truth and prediction
sem_pred = []
inst_pred = []
sem_gt = []
inst_gt = []

# some ignore stuff
N_ignore = 50
sem_pred.extend([0 for i in range(N_ignore)])
inst_pred.extend([0 for i in range(N_ignore)])
sem_gt.extend([0 for i in range(N_ignore)])
inst_gt.extend([0 for i in range(N_ignore)])

# grass segment
N_grass = 50
N_grass_pred = 40 # rest is sky
sem_pred.extend([1 for i in range(N_grass_pred)]) # grass
sem_pred.extend([2 for i in range(N_grass - N_grass_pred)]) # sky
inst_pred.extend([0 for i in range(N_grass)])
sem_gt.extend([1 for i in range(N_grass)]) # grass
inst_gt.extend([0 for i in range(N_grass)])

# sky segment
N_sky = 50
N_sky_pred = 40 # rest is grass
sem_pred.extend([2 for i in range(N_sky_pred)]) # sky
sem_pred.extend([1 for i in range(N_sky - N_sky_pred)]) # grass
inst_pred.extend([0 for i in range(N_sky)]) # first instance
sem_gt.extend([2 for i in range(N_sky)]) # sky
inst_gt.extend([0 for i in range(N_sky)]) # first instance

# wrong dog as person prediction
N_dog = 50
N_person = N_dog
sem_pred.extend([3 for i in range(N_person)])
inst_pred.extend([35 for i in range(N_person)])
sem_gt.extend([4 for i in range(N_dog)])
inst_gt.extend([22 for i in range(N_dog)])

# two persons in prediction, but three in gt
N_person = 50
sem_pred.extend([3 for i in range(6 * N_person)])
inst_pred.extend([8 for i in range(4 * N_person)])
inst_pred.extend([95 for i in range(2 * N_person)])
sem_gt.extend([3 for i in range(6 * N_person)])
inst_gt.extend([33 for i in range(3 * N_person)])
inst_gt.extend([42 for i in range(N_person)])
inst_gt.extend([11 for i in range(2 * N_person)])

# gt and pred to numpy
sem_pred = np.array(sem_pred, dtype=np.int64).reshape(1, -1)
inst_pred = np.array(inst_pred, dtype=np.int64).reshape(1, -1)
sem_gt = np.array(sem_gt, dtype=np.int64).reshape(1, -1)
inst_gt = np.array(inst_gt, dtype=np.int64).reshape(1, -1)

# evaluator
evaluator = PanopticEval(classes, ignore=ignore, min_points=1)
evaluator.addBatch(sem_pred, inst_pred, sem_gt, inst_gt)
pq, sq, rq, all_pq, all_sq, all_rq = evaluator.getPQ()
iou, all_iou = evaluator.getSemIoU()

# PQ: 0.47916666666666663
# SQ: 0.5520833333333333
# RQ: 0.6666666666666666
# IoU: 0.5476190476190476
# Class ignore PQ: 0.0 SQ: 0.0 RQ: 0.0 IoU: 0.0
# Class grass PQ: 0.6666666666666666 SQ: 0.6666666666666666 RQ: 1.0 IoU: 0.6666666666666666
# Class sky PQ: 0.6666666666666666 SQ: 0.6666666666666666 RQ: 1.0 IoU: 0.6666666666666666
# Class person PQ: 0.5833333333333333 SQ: 0.875 RQ: 0.6666666666666666 IoU: 0.8571428571428571
# Class dog PQ: 0.0 SQ: 0.0 RQ: 0.0 IoU: 0.0

print("PQ:", pq.item(), pq.item() == 0.47916666666666663)
print("SQ:", sq.item(), sq.item() == 0.5520833333333333)
print("RQ:", rq.item(), rq.item() == 0.6666666666666666)
print("IoU:", iou.item(), iou.item() == 0.5476190476190476)
for i, (pq, sq, rq, iou) in enumerate(zip(all_pq, all_sq, all_rq, all_iou)):
print("Class", cl_strings[i], "\t", "PQ:", pq.item(), "SQ:", sq.item(), "RQ:", rq.item(), "IoU:", iou.item())

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