PyAutoLens: Open Source Strong Gravitational Lensing
MCHMC: sampler from an arbitrary differentiable distribution
Helper script for executing commands before connecting to remote.
Multi-purpose lens modeling software package
Gradient Informed, GPU Accelerated Lens modelling (GIGALens) -- a package for fast Bayesian inference on strong gravitational lenses.
Differentiable strong lens modelling on CPUs and GPUs
Implicit neural representations for strong lensing source reconstruction. Code repository associated with
[NeurIPS 2022] Denoising Diffusion Restoration Models -- Official Code Repository
Implementation of Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Model in Pytorch
Galaxy images labelled by morphology (shape). Aimed at ML development and teaching.
A denoising diffusion probabilistic model synthesises galaxies that are qualitatively and physically indistinguishable from the real thing.
Algorithm for 3D printer with new kinematics
SkyPy: A package for modelling the Universe.
Documentation for building Zooniverse projects.
LaTeX dissertation template and examples for a Ph.D. in Physics at Drexel