Dashboard - landing page
--- Add Sales
--- List Sales
- Purchases
--- Add Purchase
--- List Purchase
- Reports
--- Sales report. (by date range?)
Calculate analysis:
NOTE: Total cost is averaged out from real business scenario and hardcoded, since i havent written the expenses modules yet.
---- Total gross revenue generated by business from start to date
---- Total expenses incurred by business from start to date
---- Total net profit generated by business from start to date
Date range-
---- Gross revenue for that date range
---- Total expenses for that date range
---- Total profit for that range
---- Cash flow/QR/Free movements for that range
(essentially tracking the balances of each payment type?)
---- List down all operations ran during that date range and how much each operation generated**
Generate charts showing:
(I should use a card that explains what all these charts mean-For me too, since im an idiot)
---- Income (dashboard-small line chart)
---- Expenses (dashboard-small line chart)
---- Income vs Expenses (dashboard-Order summary)
---- Net Revenue vs Gross Revenue vs Free Cash Flow (apex-Column chart)
---- Product trend by Month (apex-line chart)
---- Product movement by last active subsequent operation hours (apex-line area chart)
---- Fruit consumption trend by month (high-area chart)
- Financial Aid
--- Scrape the internet for all the available grants and list them down here.
--- Need to implement AI for this scraping to watch the web for new contents(maybe make another microservice-)