This library contains the implementation of the Byzantine attacks and defenses in federated learning.
Aggregators can be extended by adding the aggregator in the
folder. -
Bulyan - The Hidden Vulnerability of Distributed Learning in Byzantium [ICML 2018]
Centered Clipping - Learning from history for Byzantine robust optimization [ICML 2021]
Centered Median - Byzantine-Robust Distributed Learning: Towards Optimal Statistical Rates [ICML 2018]
Krum - Machine Learning with Adversaries: Byzantine Tolerant Gradient Descent [Neurips 2017]
Trimmed Mean - Byzantine-Robust Distributed Learning: Towards Optimal Statistical Rates [ICML 2018]
SignSGD - signSGD with Majority Vote is Communication Efficient and Fault Tolerant [ICLR 2019]
RFA - Robust Aggregation for Federated Learning [IEEE 2022 TSP]
Sequantial Centered Clipping - Byzantines Can Also Learn From History: Fall of Centered Clipping in Federated Learning [IEEE 2024 TIFS]
FL-Trust - FLTrust: Byzantine-robust Federated Learning via Trust Bootstrapping [NDSS 2021]
GAS (Krum and Bulyan) - Byzantine-robust learning on heterogeneous data via gradient splitting} [ICML 2023]
FedAVG - [AISTATS 2016]
Attacks can be extended by adding the attack in the
folder. -
Label-Flip - Poisoning Attacks against Support Vector Machines [ICML 2012]
Bit-Flip -
Gaussian noise -
Untargeted C&W () - Towards evaluating the robustness of neural networks [IEEE S&P 2017]
Little is enough (ALIE) - A Little Is Enough: Circumventing Defenses For Distributed Learning [Neurips]
Inner product Manipulation (IPM) - Fall of Empires: Breaking Byzantine-tolerant SGD by Inner Product Manipulation [UAI 2019]
Relocated orthogonal perturbation (ROP) - Byzantines Can Also Learn From History: Fall of Centered Clipping in Federated Learning [IEEE 2024 TIFS]
Min-sum - Manipulating the byzantine: Optimizing model poisoning attacks and defenses for federated learning [[NDSS 2022]] (
Min-max - Manipulating the byzantine: Optimizing model poisoning attacks and defenses for federated learning [[NDSS 2022]] (
Sparse - Aggressive or Imperceptible, or Both: Network Pruning Assisted Hybrid Byzantines in Federated Learning
Sparse-Optimized - Aggressive or Imperceptible, or Both: Network Pruning Assisted Hybrid Byzantines in Federated Learning
- CIFAR-10
- CIFAR-100
- Fashion-MNIST
- Tiny-ImageNet
Datasets can be extended by adding the dataset in the datasets
folder. Any labeled vision classification dataset in can be used.
- Non-IID:
- Dirichlet lower the alpha, more non-IID the data becomes. value "1" generally realistic for the real FL scenarios.
- Sort-and-Partition Distributes only a few selected classes to each client.
- Models can be extended by adding the model in the
folder and by modifying the 'nn_classes' accordingly. - Different Norms and initialization functions are available in 'nn_classes.
- MLP Different sizes of MLP models are available for grayscale images.
- CNN (various sizes) Different CNN models are available for RGB and grayscale images respectively
- ResNet RGB datasets only. Various depts and sizes are available (8-20-9-18).
- VGG RGB datasets only. Various depts and sizes are available.
- MobileNet RGB datasets only.
- Visual Transformers (ViT , DeiT, Swin, Twin, etc.)
- Install Python 3.8. For convenience, execute the following command.
pip install -r requirements.txt
If you find this repo useful, please cite our papers.
author={Ozfatura, Kerem and Ozfatura, Emre and Kupcu, Alptekin and Gunduz, Deniz},
journal={IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security},
title={Byzantines Can Also Learn From History: Fall of Centered Clipping in Federated Learning},
title={Aggressive or Imperceptible, or Both: Network Pruning Assisted Hybrid Byzantines in Federated Learning},
author={Emre Ozfatura and Kerem Ozfatura and Alptekin Kupcu and Deniz Gunduz},
If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to contact:
- Kerem Özfatura ([email protected])
- Emre Özfatura ([email protected])