A role for bootstrapping puppet clients.
See defaults/main.yml for current defaults, but as some information:
puppet_run_only: Boolean (true or false). Default false. Only run Puppet without installing it. puppetize_time_difference: Integer. Default 120. Maximum difference of time to accept the certificate. puppetize_manage_repo: Boolean (true or false). Default false. Ensure the repository is configured. puppetize_enable_puppet: Boolean (true or false). Default false. Enable puppet agent. noop_run: Boolean (true or false). Default false. Run puppet agent with --noop option that should not apply changes.
- hosts: backend_servers
become: yes
become_user: root
- ansible-role-puppetize
This bit is manual, we do some testing in this role already but it does not setup a puppetmaster+agent.
Basic environment needed: an agent and a puppetmaster on different VMs/tainers with different FQDNs.
When testing this role it's a good idea to run it on a node:
- which is already puppetized from before
- which is not puppetized before (generate CSR and sign the certificate)
- where we only run some tasks with -e '{"puppet_run_only":true}'
CSC - IT Center for Science