- ray tracing shadows
- ray tracing GI
- Dynamic Diffuse Global Illumination
- ray tracing reflections
- basic ray tracing
- variable rate shading (vrs)
- volumetric fog
- cubemap shadow map for point light
- use multiview rendering to speed up render to cubemap
- use sparse texture to save shadow map memory
- clustered deferred rendering
- GPU culling using compute shader (per primitive)
- indirectMeshDispatch
- meshlet culling using task shader (per meshlet inside a primitive)
- compute queue for async compute
- frame graph supports async compute
- timeline semaphore to simplify fence/semaphore multi queue sync
- cloth sim for async compute test
- json based frame graph
- use dynamic rendering to avoid using VkRenderPass
- impl deferred rendering using frame graph
- task manager based on enkiTS
- async loading texture using pinned task
- transfer queue(or copy queue) for upload texture to GPU
- recording commandbuffer on multiple threads using second commandbuffer
- bindless texture
- pipeline cache