Datasets are located in HRN/dataset/dataset-v5
. All samples have been anonymized.
- 18968 samples in train
- 2379 samples in valid
- 2370 samples in test
- fact: str # Fact description of the case
- interpretation: str # Judgement and conclusion
- laws: List[int] # Laws presented in "interpretation"
- relations: List[List[str]] # Relations between criminals
- criminals_info: Dict[str, Dict] # Relevant sentencing information of the defendant
- name: str # Anonymous code of the defendant
- accusations: List[str] # Crimes involved by the defendant
- laws: List[int] # Laws involved by the defendant
- states: List[int] # Situations involved by the defendant
- term: str # The sentence term for the defendant
- name: str # Anonymous code of the defendant
{"fact": "......区人民检察院指控:2017年1月起,被告人[被告A]在经营区252号酷乐台球室期间,在房间内摆放动物赌博游戏机1台(共8个机位,可同时供8人独立操作使用)、捕鱼赌博游戏机1台(共8个机位,可同时供8人独立操作使用)、斗地主赌博游戏机1台,并雇佣被告人[被告B]、[被告C],以微信扫码充值、现金退换分的方式提供赌博活动。其中,被告人[被告B]主要负责维持赌场秩序、提供二维码供赌客扫赌资、为他人使用游戏机赌博提供服务;.......", "interpretation": "本院认为:被告人[被告A]以营利为目的,......", "laws": [303], "relations": [["开设赌场罪", "B", "帮助", "A"], ["开设赌场罪", "C", "帮助", "A"]], "criminals_info":
{"[被告A]": {"accusations": ["开设赌场罪"], "laws": [303], "states": [6], "term": "有期徒刑六个月"}, "[被告B]": {"accusations": ["开设赌场罪"], "laws": [303], "states": [3, 6], "term": "拘役四个月,"}, "[被告C]": {"accusations": ["开设赌场罪"], "laws": [303], "states": [3, 5], "term": "拘役三个月,"}}}
conda env create -f environment.yml
In HRN/models/HRN
folder, run command below. Modify related args in
according to your needs.
bash config/
Modify related args in
according to your needs.
bash config/