Crystal Engine is a rendering engine that provides graphics infrastructures to complete advanced computer graphics projects.
- Utilized Modern C++ (STD C++ 17)
- Provided wrapper for both OpenGL and DirectX 11
- Cross-Platform Design
- Asset Management
- Rendering Algorithms
- An intermediate shader language that can be converted to glsl and hlsl
- An GUI system build with the engine
- Compute Shader and real-time ray tracing
├── Crystal Engine
| ├── Core Platform indenpendent contents, rendering systems
| | ├── Assets Resource managment
| | ├── Platform Platform interfaces, graphics API interfaces
| | ├── Input Input controls
| | ├── Render Rendering algorithms
| | └── Utils Utility functions, math, geometry, etc.
| |
| └── Platforms Platform dependent contents and implementations
| ├── DX11 DX11 graphics interface related implementations
| ├── GLFW GLFW subsystem
| ├── OpenGL OpenGL4.5 graphics interface related implementations
| └── Win32 Win32 operating system related contents
└── resources Resources