Context is a library designed to manage system state.
Functional effect system driven rules engine for Clojure/ClojureScript
A little demo web app in Clojure, using Component, Ring, Compojure, Selmer (and a database)
fabrix is a library that leverages the power of GraphQL to generate UI components directly from your schema.
📷 🌩️Transform Playwright visual tests with cloud-powered screenshot management
yogthos / defexception
Forked from redplanetlabs/defexceptionA simple Clojure library to dynamically define Java Exception classes in Clojure.
This repo is used to demo various testing scenarios with Playwright 🎭, using the official test-runner and scripts authored in TypeScript.
Demo of web application with Rama and Electric
Map computations expressed as dependency graphs of named steps. Includes high-performance execution strategies for the JVM.
Fast cross-platform cli utility to watch file system changes
The fastest JSON schema Validator. Supports JSON Schema draft-04/06/07/2019-09/2020-12 and JSON Type Definition (RFC8927)
Next 13 app dir with tRPC, Kysely, Planetscale and Turborepo
An experiment in hierarchical domain logic in Clojure and ClojureScript.
Playwright is a framework for Web Testing and Automation. It allows testing Chromium, Firefox and WebKit with a single API.