This is a frontend theme for Magento2 that is completely free and open-source.
Live Demo Url
If you have any issues using this theme, you may contact us at [email protected]
####1 - Installation
- Download the extension
- Unzip the file
- Create a folder {Magento root}/app/design/CzoneTech
- Extract the contents of the zipped folder inside it.
#####Using Composer
composer require czonetech/theme-frontend-fresh
####2 - Enabling the theme
Go to Magento admin panel and then 'Content -> Design -> Configuration'
Select 'Czone Fresh' from the dropdown and hit 'Save Configuration'
Import theme blocks into your database - Copy the contents of setup.sql (located in the root of this package's code) and execute it on your database server using a database client-
Or run this via command line-
mysql -u dbuser -ppassword database < path-to-setup.sql
To show the blocks on the homepage, go to 'Content -> Pages', and click on 'Edit' to edit the page's contents.
Add all Czone static blocks (except 'Fresh Additional Footer') to the homepage content-
Add Footer widget- Go to 'Content -> Widgets -> Add Widget', and add a new widget as shown in the screenshots below-
Flush Magento Cache And go to the Magento frontend home page. You should see the new design.