Goal : make a bot for slither.io
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d7mkAgQNuCA - Created by http://slither.jlynx.net/
https://youtu.be/mlEKp-ZAi7w - Created by http://slithere.com/
https://youtu.be/QF9JBMi-fLo?t=38s - Created by SeppeTutorials
https://youtu.be/IpsAazbVIcw - Created by TheFlyingPlatypus
If you are on chrome, download the TamperMonkey extension.
On other browsers, use the GreaseMonkey extension.
Once installed, click on this, and choose Install.
Go to slither.io, and enjoy !
Key | Result |
T / Right Click | Bot enabled/disabled |
U | Log debugging |
Y | Visual debugging |
I | Automatic Respawning |
O | Mobile rendering - Try this if you experience lag |
C | Enemy avoidance / Collision prevention |
A / S | Head collision radius multiplier increase / decrease |
Z | Reset zoom |
ESC | Quick respawn |
X | Change skin |
W | Auto skin rotator |
Q | Quit to menu |
Mouse wheel | Zoom in/out |
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Please contribute using Github Flow. Create a branch, add commits, and open a pull request. Please review the guidelines for contributing to this project before making an issue or submitting a pull request.Your pull request needs to be approved by at least 3 people until it is merged and all checks need to pass.
Check out the wiki for more information
Ermiya Eskandary & Théophile Cailliau (ErmiyaEskandary & FliiFe)
Started as a collaborative and fun project between me and FliiFe on 2016/04/20, with this :
Slither.io bot could be cool
Licensed under the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0
Read LICENSE.md for more info.