What's New | |
2025-01 | New GIST Class_Maker.Inc.Clw Create a New Class Quickly with a "Template" class |
2025-01 | New Tool AT Sort Report Sort REPORT Controls by AT(X,Y) and do "Cleaning". |
2024-11 | New Tool Bit Mapper to view a LONG's Bits, Nibbles & Bytes |
2024-11 | Enhanced XML Code Comments to add Region and more |
2024-08 | New Tool EXP 2 MAP that decodes Mangled EXP in the Tool section |
2024-07 | New Tool Date Time Number Picture Tool in the Tool section |
Type | URL | Description (Code="Code you can use") |
A0 Code | Code Snippets | Clarion Code Snippets on my GitHub GIST page and ClarionHub favorites |
A1 Code | Window Preview Class | Designer Preview windows have a secret button that allows altering controls on the live preview window and interrogating properties. Easily integrate the class into your live running program to see the USE() behind every control, its PROP's, Resize it, Reformat LISTs. Methods to reflect QUEUE fields and CLASS data. Much More! |
A2 Code & Tool | StringTheory Tools | Three tools to make it easier to write code using StringTheory and its up to 8 parameters. The BigBangTheory class helps debug your ST code with popup windows to show value, lines queue, splits, parameters, more. |
A3 Tool | List Format Parser | Split the LIST Format Columns into one per line for understanding, editing, source compare. Preview any List Format. Generate FORMAT() from QUEUE or FILE definition. |
A4 Tool | System Colors | View Windows System Colors grouped by Purpose, Alpha, or Equate Number. One I use often. |
A5 Tool | Do2Class | Do2Class utility changes all DO ROUTINE code to call CLASS Methods in a Procedure. The code changes are minor, but to make the changes manually is tedious work, hence the utility to do it right with little work |
Code & Example | HelpEngine Hook | Help is hooked using the Clarion HelpEngine Interface in CwHelp.INT. Examples of how to use it. |
Code & Example | LIST Style Checkbox | LIST Checkbox or Icon using Column Style and Dingbat fonts so no need for .ICO files |
Code | ASCII 85 Class | Class to Encode and Decode binary strings using ASCII 85 also know as Base 85. More efficient than Base64. |
Code | AutoComplete File Path | ENTRY Auto Complete Drop List for File, Path or URL with one call to SHAutoComplete |
Code | Clarion-Root-Find | Find Clarion IDE installed in Registry and return a Queue. Handy if you write Clarion IDE Utilities. |
Code | Holiday Calculator | Holiday Calculations in Clarion code from New Year's day to Thanksgiving and Christmas. Has two different Easter Calculations. |
Code | Legacy ABC Coexist | Legacy and ABC APPs used together. Code to make it work and a template. Example School APPs. |
Code | Number to Words | Convert Numbers to words either Cardinal or Ordinal e.g. Ten or Tenth |
Code | Password TEXT Paste | Clarion ENTRY,PASSWORD cannot paste. This code allows paste using a TEXT,SINGLE with ES_PASSWORD. Example of Password Peek with Hover, Click or Latched button. |
Code | Progress API | Clarion Progress control tricks using Windows API. Create a Marquee Progress, State changes Color, Reverse to move Right to Left. |
Code | Stop Better Hook | STOP() should never be in production code, but if it does happen show a better dialog. Also for HALT. Stack Trace button to find the exact STOP code. |
Code | Temp-Clean-Clarion | Clarion Reports generate WMF CLA###.TMP files into the Temp folder. Some templates generate more. Build this utility into your program to keep the Temp folder from filling up. |
Example | Clarion IDE Folders | Clarion IDE folders in LIST controls. Example of 11.13505 From Queue PROP. |
Example | Large Address Memory Status | LARGE_ADDRESS in the EXP will increase process memory form 2GB to 4GB. Example shows Memory Status. |
Example | LibMaker w/ Task Dialog | LibMaker Plus using the Vista TakeDialog instead of Message(). Example for CIDC 2019 |
Example | Wordle | Wordle game and solving tool |
Template | Parameter Symbols | Procedure Parameter Symbols were added in C9 that save you parsing. This template shows you the 8 new symbols and documents them. |
Tool | APP Splitter | Analyze an APP to shows largest Modules and Procedures to aide in splitting it up or fixing Too Many Segdef Compiler Error |
Tool | AT Sort Report | Sort REPORT Controls by AT(X,Y) to put in correct order. Also allows "Cleaning" to remove #ORIG() and other clutter. Align AT() and USE() to better see the layout in code. |
Tool | Bit Mapper | View a LONG Integer split into Bits, Nibbles amd Bytes. Perform Bitwise operations. |
Tool | Clipboard Enum Viewer | Simple program to call EnumClipboardFormats() and show all the formats. Can also view the clipboard data using the Clarion Clipboard() function. |
Tool | Data To Clarion | StringTheory compressed string to use in Code from JSlarve |
Tool | Date Time Number Picture | Clarion Standard Date and Time, plus Numbers and Pictures |
Tool | LibMaker Plus | The Best LibMaker with Search, Tag, Subtract, Code generation. Based on MG LibMaker |
Tool | Prototype 2 Export Pro2Exp | Mangle Procedure Prototypes to add to the EXP Exports |
Tool | Export 2 Prototype Exp2Map | Decode Mangled EXP Line into Procedure Prototype Parameter list for the MAP |
Tool | Sheet Tab PROP | Sheet Tab Property and Attribute Explorer |
Tool | XML Code Comments | Generate XML comments from a Procedure Prototype |
Utility | Favorite Find IDE | Add your favorite searches to the Find drop list (and clean) |
Utility | Find Clean CW IDE | Clean the Clarion IDE Find drop list for faster open |
Utility | Open File For Test | Open a file and lock it to test your code can handle it gracefully and show an error. E.g. often CSV files are locked by Excel. |
Utility | Win SDK 10 | Use TPN put the Win 10 SDK on GitHub. I forked it as useful. |
Utility | Zip FileName Fixer | Zip will not compress files with High ASCII characters so this finds and fixes them. |
Covered on Clarion Live...
Date | Type | URL | Description |
#562 5/15/2020 | Utility | Window Preview Class | Designer Preview windows have a secret button ... see above |
#567 6/19/2020 | Utility | Do2Class | Do2Class utility changes all DO ROUTINE code to call CLASS Methods in a Procedure ... see above |
Repositories -- GIST Code Table -- GIST page -- Main Page -- ClarionHub Favorites