An openframeworks add-on to painting the giraffe.
Step1. Import the add-on
#include "ofxCTPainting.h"
Step2. Declare the element
stGiraffeP _giraffe;
Step3. Drawing on the right place
Step4. Giraffe!!
There have 16 difference type of element as follow:
- stGiraffeP
- stSwingGiraffeP
- stLongGiraffeP
- stOpenGiraffeP
- stThreeLevelFireworkP
- stElevatorP
- stBoxP
- stJetpackP
- stPipeP
- stFireFlowerP
- stStarP
- stCactusP
- stPokeBallP
- stPACManP
- stGhostP
- stExclamationMarkP
Those elements inherit the same class stBasicP that include the position, rotate, scale... etc. And each element can be controlled by its own parameter. You can check out the example to get more detail.
The example is test on visual studio 2012 with openframework 0.8.1.