If you nerver used vim, you never lived!
- 0 to 1 vim + lua + lsp
- Vim is the best!
- You're going to fly by using vim + lsp
- Enjoy!
- neovim 8.0+
- tmux
- vim-plug
- packer.nvim
- lua
- python3
- telescope(BurntSushi/ripgrep is required)
- lsp
- treesitter
- undotree
- toggleterm
- dap + dapui
- nvim-autopairs
- nerdtree
- git-blame
- lazygit
- diffview
- vim-snippets
- vim-pug(if necessary)
- tokyonight
- power10k
- iterm2
- font&icon: MesloLGS NF
- zsh
- fig ofcourse it's Free
- enjoy!
- nvim init.vim
- only use lua: required('lanvim')
- done
npm config set http-proxy
npm config set https-proxy
git config --global http.proxy
git config --global http.sslverify false
# config for wsl proxy(clash)
export http_proxy="http://localhost:7890"
export https_proxy="http://localhost:7890"
export all_proxy="socks5://localhost:7891"