#General Objective:
This study aims to develop educational gamification for English proficiency entitled Omoshiroi: Implementation of Natural Language Processing in Structural Gamification for English Proficiency Development Among Junior High School Students.
#Specific Objectives:
The study's specific goals are as follows:
To develop a structural gamified android application for English language learning with the following features;
a. Arcade Mode Quiz Game with Multistage
i. Definition Quiz – Synonyms & Antonyms
ii. Tenses Identification
iii. Parts of Speech Identification
iv. Parts of Speech Story Creation
To create a Sentence Construction out of the Picture game mode in the application as a practice language learning tool that includes the following features:
a. Mission Game and with Progress Tracker
b. Game Scores and Game Coins Earnings
c. Power-ups Store
d. Ranking and History
e. User Account and Application Customization
To apply Natural Language Processing for spelling and grammar error detection for game activities including generating an audio from the text of the system (Text to Speech).
To evaluate the Software Quality of Omoshiroi Application that will be evaluated by IT Experts.
To evaluate the clientele's satisfaction in the gamified mobile application.
#System Information:
List of Features as of January 2022.
#1. Main Activity (3)
-User Log in
-User Registration
-User Account Recovery
#2. Menu (7)
#3. Profile (5)
-user can update / edit profile information.
-user account log out.
-user can update / edit avatar images.
-user points, ocoins, level and power-ups information.
-leveling pattern information.
#4. Setting (6)
-Fully working sound effects and background music.
-Theme customized (Light / Dark)
-User guide/walkthrough of omoshiroi.
-About US of omoshiroi.
-Help / FAQ (External link will open).
-Exit Game.
#5. Arcade (17)
-Easy mode [Tenses, True or False, Multiple Choices and Matching] (Some Stages are not available for now.)
-Medium mode [Fill in the blank and Group Word Together] (Some Stages are not available for now.)
-Hard mode [POS: 4Pics 1Word and Sentence Out! & Added Reason/Explanation of grammar issues].
-Story Mode [Three story theme: Let's Campaign Buddies, Don't be scared! and Santa Claus is Comin'..] (Some sub story are not available for now.)
-Mode guide information.
-Result and mistakes information.
#6. Mission (3)
-Daily reward.
-Daily Tasks.
-Level Tasks.
#7. Shop (2)
-You can buy / use timer power-ups [Add 1 minute, Freeze and Stop]
-You can buy / use skip the question and reveal the answer power-ups.
-You can buy / update your avatar collection.
#8. Ranking (1)
-Top 10 lists of omoshiroi users based on level and points.
-Refreshes real-time.
#9. History (2)
-User Activity and Progress tracker
-History Filter
***System Limitations
-Omoshiroi has portrait orientation only.
-Android OS version minimum of 6 and up only.
-Above 3gb of RAM only
Current Version: