基于java web ssm(Springboot+SpringMVC+Mybatis)+Mysql+微信小程序的图书捐赠管理系统设计与实现毕业设计论文,使用软件 idea mysql数据库 微信开发者工具 tomcat Navicatpremium
java免费MIT开源商城,小程序、公众号管理,采用Java+spring boot3+vue3+element-plus开发;uniapp多端覆盖、微信支付宝、多页面拖拽装修、多语言,S2B2C,B2B2C,SaaS,B2C多模式,小程序/H5/APP/PC商城多端口,砍价/积分/拼团/秒杀/分销/用户等级/付费会员等营销功能
🐠 微服务仿闲鱼开源交易平台。Power By 微信小程序,JWT, Java8,Maven,SpringBoot,SpringCloud,MySQL,Redis,RabbitMQ,Docker
Real-Time Seizure Detection using EEG: A Comprehensive Comparison of Recent Approaches under a Realistic Setting (CHIL 2022)
EEG feature engineering for epileptic seizure detection
Creating synthetic EEG through training Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN) on patient data.
This repository contains codes for the detection of epileptic seizures using machine learning classifiers on the TUH EEG dataset
EEG UI is a web-based, brain signal analysis tool that I have developed as a part of my bachelor degree final thesis
Code for BHI 2023 Paper on EEG Seizure Detection
手把手教你整合最优雅SSM框架:SpringMVC + Spring + MyBatis
Prediction of seizure episodes from real-time EEG using LSTM
A CNN + LSTM architecture to predict seizure from EEG data