Python Windows/Linux CAN driver based on WCID for Geschwister Schneider USB/CAN devices and candleLight USB CAN interfaces
extract all firmware from JLink software package
gs_usb compatible firmware for candleLight, cantact and canable
A simple GUI builder for the python tkinter module
DAPLink (CMSIS-DAP) porting to Artery AT32F425, WCH CH32V203 and WCH CH32V305.
Flet enables developers to easily build realtime web, mobile and desktop apps in Python. No frontend experience required.
86五笔极点码表 for 鼠须管(macOS)、小狼毫(Windows)、中州韵(Ubuntu) 、仓(iOS)、同文(Android)五笔输入方案,五笔输入法,Rime 方案。Chinese wubi input method schema
微信消息实时推送服务[WxPusher],可以通过API实时给个人微信推送消息。wechat pusher.