Copyright (c) 2009-2013 Bitcoin Developers Copyright (c) 2014 Monocle Developers Copyright (c) 2014 Cendolcoin Developers
Cendolcoin is a merge mineable N-factor Scrypt coin, released by the Vertcoin developers
- 2 minute block targets
- 15 trillion (15x 10^12) total coins,
- 5 trillion premined for monetary stabilization (By Cendol Central Bank)
- 1 trillion premined for airdrop (4000 cendolcoin for every Indonesian citizen)
- 9.8 million : untuk dibagikan ke developer (ditentukan oleh KPC, komunitas pengembang cendol)
- subsidy 10000 coins per block fixed
- 12 block retarget using BRNDF with a 180 block lookback
- N-factor Scrypt POW algorithm
Port: 12609 : cendol coin 12610 : RPC 22609 : testnet 22610 : testnet rpc
For more information, as well as an immediately useable, binary version of the Cendolcoin client sofware, see
Max penduduk: Indonesia (2050) 280 juta -> dibulatkan 300jt jiwa
Target GDP(PPP)/perkapita Indonesia Maju: 50000 USD/tahun
Perkiraan Harga cendol negara Indonesia maju (2050): 1 gelas : 1 dolar (asumsi ada pedagang asongan di Indonesia maju) (sekarang, 2014: USD 0.17 ~ USD 0.26 harga di Stasiun KRL Depok Baru, Jawa Barat)
Total target Cendol coin untuk ekonomi Indonesia Maju: 300jt * 50rb = 15 trilyun cendol... must be enough for everybody in Indonesia Maju
Monetary stabilization:
- Harga max 1 cendol coin dicap seharga harga 1 gelas cendol standar rata-rata di Indonesia melalui stabilisasi moneter yang dilakukan dengan persetujuan Dewan Gubernur Cendol Foundation
- Penetapan harga cendol standar dilakukan dengan survey lapangan minimum 6 bulan sekali ditempat pedangan asongan (terminal, stasiun pasar dll)
- Harga maksimum standar cendol diumumkan secara terbuka
Definisi cendol standar
- Cendol beras warna hijau pandan dengan gula merah alami
- Gelas standar xxx cc
- Tanpa opsi lain.
- dijual ditempat umum (asongan), sehingga komponen cost real-estate bisa dihilangkan.
- Cendol selfie
Cendolcoin is released under the terms of the MIT license. See COPYING
for more
information or see