An early stage (in development) "Cloud" for SQLite databases, with special integration for DB Browser for SQLite.
You can try out our live server at, or run it locally for your own users.
- Golang - version 1.8 or above is required, with 1.9 highly recommended.
- Memcached - version 1.4.33 and above are known to work.
- Minio - release 2016-11-26T02:23:47Z and later are known to work.
- PostgreSQL - version 9.6 or above is required.
- api - A very simple API server, used for querying databases remotely.
- common - Library of functions used by the components.
- database - PostgreSQL database schema.
- default_licences - Useful Open Source licences suitable for databases.
- db4s - REST server which DB Browser for SQLite and Dio use for communicating with
- webui - The main public facing webUI.