hmcnc - Hidden Markov Copy Number Caller
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Hidden Markov Copy Number Caller
Usage: ./src/hmcnc [OPTIONS] reference
reference FILE REQUIRED Read reference from this FASTA file.
-h,--help Print this help message and exit
-a FILE Read alignments from this BAM file and calculate depth on the fly.
-b FILE Read depth bed from this file (skip calculation of depth).
-s FILE Read SNVs from this file (when not estimating from a BAM).
-p FILE Read parameter file (do not train with Baum-Welch).
-l FILE Read clipping signature file (when not estimating from a BAM).
Depth Calculation:
-e FLOAT Value of log-epsilon. [-800]
-m TEXT Coverage model to use: Poisson (pois), or negative binomial (nb). [nb]
-t INT Number of threads. [4]
-c TEXT Use this contig to estimate coverage. By default, longest contig.
-o FILE Output vcf to this file. Write to stdout if not provided.
--sample TEXT Sample name in the vcf ['sample']
-M Merge consecutive bins with the same copy number.
-C TEXT Only run hmm on this chrom.
-B FILE Write coverage bed to this file.
-P FILE Write trained parameter file.
-S FILE Write SNVs to this file.
-L FILE Stores the number of reads with clipping > 500 bases in each bin.
hmcnc human_GRCh38_no_alt_analysis_set.fasta -a HG002.GRCh38.deepvariant.haplotagged.bam -t 20 -o out.vcf