Note: You may not copy and paste code from previous projects.
You will have 3 hours and 30 minutes to complete this challenge.
Please fork and clone this repository, then watch the screen recording provided before starting. The included screen recording demonstrates the application you are to create for this challenge.
The documentation for the API you should use can be found at The documentation for this API is a little harder to navigate than what you might be used to so be sure to spend a sufficient amount of time going over the documentation to make sure you find the correct URL to use and that you can get sample JSON. You will also need to register for an API key. The URL for fetching a movie's image is difficult to find. Here's a hint:
Note the following requirements:
- Initial screen shows a table view with a search bar.
- Entering a text in the search bar triggers a search for movies using The Movie DB's API.
- If the API returns results for the search, they are shown in the table view.
- The cell for a movie includes the title of the movie.
- The cell for a movie includes the rating (1-10) for the movie.
- The cell for a movie includes a short description of the movie.
- The view controller for the main screen (e.g. UITableViewController subclass) must be written in Swift.
- Objective-C code that is used by Swift must be properly annotated for nullability, and generics.
- Add a poster image for the movie to the table view cell.
- Tapping on a movie shows a detail view with more information.
- Allow marking a movie as a favorite.
- Add a tab that shows all favorited movies.
This challenge is intended to assess your ability to build applications using Objective-C instead of Swift. It covers the following Objective-C concepts, and builds upon concepts learned in previous units:
- Class declarations in Objective-C (@interface)
- Class definitions in Objective-C (@implementation)
- Use of the singleton/shared instance pattern in Objective-C
- @properties and their attributes
- Custom property setters
- Primitives vs. objects
- Instantiation of Objective-C objects
- Use of blocks
- Declaring and implementing initializers.
- Protocol conformance syntax
- Use of Objective-C Foundation classes including NSArray, NSString, NSDictionary, etc.
- Using Swift and Objective-C in the same project
- Use of a bridging header to allow Swift code to access Objective-C code