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Reverse engineered ChatGPT
proxy (bypass Cloudflare 403 Access Denied)
- API key acquisition
- Email/password account authentication (Google/Microsoft third-party login not supported)
Http API proxy (for third-party client access)- Support IP proxy pool (support using Ipv6 subnet as proxy pool)
- ChatGPT WebUI
- Very small memory footprint
Limitations: This cannot bypass OpenAI's outright IP ban
Sending GPT4/GPT-3.5 (already grayscale)/Creating API-Key
dialog requires sending Arkose Token
as a parameter. There are only two supported solutions for the time being.
official website sends aGPT4
session message, and the browserF12
downloads thehttps://tcr9i.chat.openai.com/fc/gt2/public_key/35536E1E-65B4-4D96-9D97-6ADB7EFF8147
interface. HAR log file, use the startup parameter--arkose-chat4-har-file
to specify the HAR file path to use (if you do not specify a path, use the default path~/.chat4.openai.com.har
, you can directly upload and update HAR ), supports uploading and updating HAR, request path:/har/upload
, optional upload authentication parameter:--arkose-har-upload-key
Use YesCaptcha / CapSolver
The platform performs verification code parsing, start the parameter
to select the platform (useYesCaptcha
by default),--arkose-solver-key
fill inClient Key
- Both solutions are used, the priority is:
is recommended to be used with HAR. When the verification code is generated, the parser is called for processing. After verification, HAR is more durable.
Currently OpenAI has updated
which requires verification ofArkose Token
. The solution is the same as GPT4. Fill in the startup parameters and specify the HAR file--arkose-auth-har-file
. If you don't want to upload, you can log in through the browser code, which is not required. To create an API-Key, you need to upload the HAR feature file related to the Platform. The acquisition method is the same as above.
About using
, useAceessToken
directly asAPI Key
, interface path:/to/v1/chat/completions
- ChatGPT WebUI
- Expose
proxies API
prefix is consistent with the official oneChatGPT
- Can access third-party clients
- Can access IP proxy pool to improve concurrency
, environment variableLOG
, log level: default info--bind
, environment variableBIND
, service listening address: default,--tls-cert
, environment variableTLS_CERT
', TLS certificate public key. Supported format: EC/PKCS8/RSA--tls-key
, environment variableTLS_KEY
, TLS certificate private key--proxies
, Proxy, supports proxy pool, multiple proxies are separated by,
, format: protocol://user:pass@ip:port, if the local IP is banned, you need to turn off the use of direct IP when using the proxy pool,--disable-direct
turns off direct connection, otherwise your banned local IP will be used according to load balancing--workers
, worker threads: default 1--disable-webui
, if you don’t want to use the default built-in WebUI, use this parameter to turn it off
Making Releases has a precompiled deb package, binaries, in Ubuntu, for example:
wget https://github.com/gngpp/ninja/releases/download/v0.7.3/ninja-0.7.3-x86_64-unknown-linux-musl.deb
dpkg -i ninja-0.7.3-x86_64-unknown-linux-musl.deb
ninja run
There are pre-compiled ipk files in GitHub Releases, which currently provide versions of aarch64/x86_64 and other architectures. After downloading, use opkg to install, and use nanopi r4s as example:
wget https://github.com/gngpp/ninja/releases/download/v0.7.3/ninja_0.7.3_aarch64_generic.ipk
wget https://github.com/gngpp/ninja/releases/download/v0.7.3/luci-app-ninja_1.1.4-1_all.ipk
wget https://github.com/gngpp/ninja/releases/download/v0.7.3/luci-i18n-ninja-zh-cn_1.1.4-1_all.ipk
opkg install ninja_0.7.3_aarch64_generic.ipk
opkg install luci-app-ninja_1.1.4-1_all.ipk
opkg install luci-i18n-ninja-zh-cn_1.1.4-1_all.ipk
docker run --rm -it -p 7999:7999 --name=ninja \
-e WORKERS=1 \
-e LOG=info \
gngpp/ninja:latest run
- Docker Compose
CloudFlare Warp
is not supported in your region (China), please delete it, or if yourVPS
IP can be directly connected toOpenAI
, you can also delete it
version: '3'
image: ghcr.io/gngpp/ninja:latest
container_name: ninja
restart: unless-stopped
- TZ=Asia/Shanghai
- PROXIES=socks5://warp:10000
command: run
- "8080:7999"
- warp
container_name: warp
image: ghcr.io/gngpp/warp:latest
restart: unless-stopped
container_name: watchtower
image: containrrr/watchtower
- /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
command: --interval 3600 --cleanup
restart: unless-stopped
$ ninja --help
Reverse engineered ChatGPT proxy
Usage: ninja [COMMAND]
run Run the HTTP server
stop Stop the HTTP server daemon
start Start the HTTP server daemon
restart Restart the HTTP server daemon
status Status of the Http server daemon process
log Show the Http server daemon log
gt Generate config template file (toml format file)
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version
$ ninja run --help
Run the HTTP server
Usage: ninja run [OPTIONS]
-L, --level <LEVEL>
Log level (info/debug/warn/trace/error) [env: LOG=] [default: info]
-C, --config <CONFIG>
Configuration file path (toml format file) [env: CONFIG=]
-b, --bind <BIND>
Server bind address [env: BIND=] [default:]
-W, --workers <WORKERS>
Server worker-pool size (Recommended number of CPU cores) [default: 1]
--concurrent-limit <CONCURRENT_LIMIT>
Enforces a limit on the concurrent number of requests the underlying [default: 65535]
-x, --proxies <PROXIES>
Server proxies pool, Example: protocol://user:pass@ip:port [env: PROXIES=]
-i, --interface <INTERFACE>
Bind address for outgoing connections (or IPv6 subnet fallback to Ipv4) [env: INTERFACE=]
-I, --ipv6-subnet <IPV6_SUBNET>
IPv6 subnet, Example: 2001:19f0:6001:48e4::/64 [env: IPV4_SUBNET=]
Disable direct connection [env: DISABLE_DIRECT=]
Enabled Cookie Store [env: COOKIE_STORE=]
--timeout <TIMEOUT>
Client timeout (seconds) [default: 600]
--connect-timeout <CONNECT_TIMEOUT>
Client connect timeout (seconds) [default: 60]
--tcp-keepalive <TCP_KEEPALIVE>
TCP keepalive (seconds) [default: 60]
--pool-idle-timeout <POOL_IDLE_TIMEOUT>
Set an optional timeout for idle sockets being kept-alive [default: 90]
--tls-cert <TLS_CERT>
TLS certificate file path [env: TLS_CERT=]
--tls-key <TLS_KEY>
TLS private key file path (EC/PKCS8/RSA) [env: TLS_KEY=]
-A, --auth-key <AUTH_KEY>
Login Authentication Key [env: AUTH_KEY=]
--api-prefix <API_PREFIX>
WebUI api prefix [env: API_PREFIX=]
--preauth-api <PREAUTH_API>
PreAuth Cookie API URL [env: PREAUTH_API=] [default: https://ai.fakeopen.com/auth/preauth]
-D, --disable-webui
Disable WebUI [env: DISABLE_WEBUI=]
--cf-site-key <CF_SITE_KEY>
Cloudflare turnstile captcha site key [env: CF_SECRET_KEY=]
--cf-secret-key <CF_SECRET_KEY>
Cloudflare turnstile captcha secret key [env: CF_SITE_KEY=]
--arkose-endpoint <ARKOSE_ENDPOINT>
Arkose endpoint, Example: https://client-api.arkoselabs.com
--arkose-chat3-har-file <ARKOSE_CHAT3_HAR_FILE>
About the browser HAR file path requested by ChatGPT GPT-3.5 ArkoseLabs
--arkose-chat4-har-file <ARKOSE_CHAT4_HAR_FILE>
About the browser HAR file path requested by ChatGPT GPT-4 ArkoseLabs
--arkose-auth-har-file <ARKOSE_AUTH_HAR_FILE>
About the browser HAR file path requested by Auth ArkoseLabs
--arkose-platform-har-file <ARKOSE_PLATFORM_HAR_FILE>
About the browser HAR file path requested by Platform ArkoseLabs
-K, --arkose-har-upload-key <ARKOSE_HAR_UPLOAD_KEY>
HAR file upload authenticate key
-s, --arkose-solver <ARKOSE_SOLVER>
About ArkoseLabs solver platform [default: yescaptcha]
-k, --arkose-solver-key <ARKOSE_SOLVER_KEY>
About the solver client key by ArkoseLabs
-T, --tb-enable
Enable token bucket flow limitation
--tb-store-strategy <TB_STORE_STRATEGY>
Token bucket store strategy (mem/redis) [default: mem]
--tb-redis-url <TB_REDIS_URL>
Token bucket redis connection url [default: redis://]
--tb-capacity <TB_CAPACITY>
Token bucket capacity [default: 60]
--tb-fill-rate <TB_FILL_RATE>
Token bucket fill rate [default: 1]
--tb-expired <TB_EXPIRED>
Token bucket expired (seconds) [default: 86400]
-B, --preauth-bind <PREAUTH_BIND>
Preauth MITM server bind address [env: PREAUTH_BIND=] [default:]
-X, --preauth-upstream <PREAUTH_UPSTREAM>
Preauth MITM server upstream proxy [env: PREAUTH_UPSTREAM=]
--preauth-cert <PREAUTH_CERT>
Preauth MITM server CA certificate file path [default: ca/cert.crt]
--preauth-key <PREAUTH_KEY>
Preauth MITM server CA private key file path [default: ca/key.pem]
-h, --help
Print help
- Linux
- Windows
- MacOS
- Linux compile, Ubuntu machine for example:
git clone https://github.com/gngpp/ninja.git && cd ninja
cargo build --release
- OpenWrt Compile
cd package
svn co https://github.com/gngpp/ninja/trunk/openwrt
cd -
make menuconfig # choose LUCI->Applications->luci-app-ninja
make V=s
- Open source projects can be modified, but please keep the original author information to avoid losing technical support.
- Project is standing on the shoulders of other giants, thanks!
- Submit an issue if there are errors, bugs, etc., and I will fix them.