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Add outputs for nodes from loops (openvinotoolkit#7844)
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* initial version of transformation workable for loop

* moved transformation to back + minor changes in result names

* fixed mistake: to concatenate results of all iterations Unsqueeze should be added

* added shape inference for new nodes and extend test

* added support of TensorIterator

* If support + test;
fix to save model with TI after transformation

* fix code and tests according to run with ir_reader

* added finding max internal_layer_id in sub-graph + added comments to code

* turn off transformation because it should not be used in MO scenarios

* refactor code to find out iterations count for TensorIterator

* chenged name of final result to srtucture loop1.loop2.node for path [loop1, loop2, node]

* change port number to index of added output

* return list of new nodes

* change naming of output to standard way;
return result node as output of transformation

* refactor transformation, add more comments; fine up tests

* review fixes: add more comments, refactoring of infer function, fix in iterations count calculation

* added processing of dynamic iterations count + tests

* moved iterations count calculation to TI

* fixed bug in iterations count calculation

* fix bug with adding iterations count to wrong dimension + test

* review fixes: minor renaming + fixed bug with unset stride for TI

* move logic with output record outside function calculation iteration count;
fix case with negative start/end;
fix case when division result is not integer;
added tests for such cases

* review fixes: refactoring of toerations count calculation
  • Loading branch information
sadolini authored Nov 12, 2021
1 parent 338aad2 commit ae6b16c
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions model-optimizer/automation/package_BOM.txt
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318 changes: 318 additions & 0 deletions model-optimizer/extensions/back/
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# Copyright (C) 2021 Intel Corporation
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import numpy as np

from extensions.ops.If import If
from extensions.ops.loop import Loop
from extensions.ops.tensor_iterator import TensorIterator
from mo.back.replacement import BackReplacementPattern
from mo.front.common.partial_infer.utils import int64_array, dynamic_dimension_value
from import create_op_node_with_second_input
from mo.graph.graph import Graph, Node
from mo.ops.result import Result
from mo.ops.unsqueeze import Unsqueeze

def ti_set_output_port_shape(cycle_node, internal_id, port_num, iterations_count, axis):
int_node_name = TensorIterator.find_internal_layer_id(cycle_node.body, internal_id)
int_node = Node(cycle_node.body, int_node_name)
assert int_node.op == 'Result'
out_shape = int_node.in_port(0).data.get_shape().copy()
# inside cycle node Unsqueeze was added to have the first dimension for concatenating results along it
assert len(out_shape) >= 1
if axis is not None:
out_shape[axis] = iterations_count

assert port_num in cycle_node.out_ports()

def get_iterations_count_from_output_record(output_rec):
def check_field(record, field):
return field in record and record[field] is not None

iterations_count = 1
# 1. check if we need to concatenate iteration results for given output
if not check_field(output_rec, 'axis'):
# in this case we do not concatenate outputs, so iterations count is not needed really
return None

# 2. check if given output record contains values for 'end', so iterations count can be calculated from this record
if check_field(output_rec, 'end') and output_rec['end'] != -1 and \
check_field(output_rec, 'start') and output_rec['start'] != -1:
stride = output_rec['stride'] if check_field(output_rec, 'stride') else 1
# get iterations count from output record
iterations_count = (output_rec['end'] - output_rec['start']) / stride
return iterations_count

return dynamic_dimension_value

# shape inference for TensorIterator
# copy shapes from internal nodes + insert correct iterations count where needed
def ti_infer(step_node, port_num):
out_port_map = step_node.output_port_map
port_num = port_num + len(step_node.in_ports())
# find out which internal layer maps to port_num
found_rec = None
for record in out_port_map:
if record['external_port_id'] == port_num:
found_rec = record
assert found_rec is not None, \
"External port {} is not connected with body in node {}".format(port_num,

port_num = port_num - len(step_node.in_ports())

# find out iterations count for TensorIterator to set output shape correctly

iterations_count = get_iterations_count_from_output_record(found_rec)
if iterations_count is dynamic_dimension_value:
iterations_count = TensorIterator.find_iterations_count_for_output(step_node)

ti_set_output_port_shape(step_node, found_rec['internal_layer_id'], port_num, iterations_count,

# shape inference for Loop
# copy shapes from internal nodes + insert correct iterations count where needed
# iterations count always in the first dimension
def loop_infer(step_node, port_num):
out_port_map = step_node.output_port_map
int_layer_id = None
iterations_count = Loop.iterations_count(step_node)
for record in out_port_map:
if record['external_port_id'] == port_num:
int_layer_id = record['internal_layer_id']

ti_set_output_port_shape(step_node, int_layer_id, port_num, iterations_count, 0)

def max_internal_layer_id(graph):
max_int_layer_id = 0
for n in graph.get_op_nodes():
if n.has_and_set('internal_layer_id') and n.internal_layer_id > max_int_layer_id:
max_int_layer_id = n.internal_layer_id
return max_int_layer_id

# Add Result (and Unsqueeze is add_unsqueeze=True) to node port port_num in graph cur_graph.
# New nodes will have internal id equal to cur_max_layer_id + 1 (and cur_max_layer_id + 2 if 2 nodes were added)
# New nodes will be inserted in tracks on position i.
def add_output_in_body(node, port_num, cur_graph, cur_max_layer_id, tracks, track_index, add_unsqueeze=True):
port = node.out_port(port_num)
if add_unsqueeze:
unsq_name = port.node.soft_get('name', + "/Unsqueeze"
unsq_node = create_op_node_with_second_input(cur_graph, Unsqueeze,
{'name': unsq_name})
unsq_node['internal_layer_id'] = cur_max_layer_id + 1
cur_max_layer_id += 1
tracks.insert(track_index, {'node': unsq_node, 'graph': cur_graph})
port = unsq_node.out_port(0)

out_name = port.node.soft_get('name', + ":" + str(port_num)
res_node = Result(cur_graph, {'name': out_name}).create_node()
res_node['internal_layer_id'] = cur_max_layer_id + 1
cur_max_layer_id += 1
tracks.insert(track_index, {'node': res_node, 'graph': cur_graph})

return res_node

class AddOutputRecursive(BackReplacementPattern):
Add output to node inside loops. Path to node set in 'additional_outputs' attribute of graph.
Path structure: [node_loop_1, loop_2_in_loop_1,.., if_node, [then_list, else_list]]
After if operation should be sub-list with 2 elements then_list and else_list where each is one node or list of
nodes in according path
For cycles results from all iterations will be concatenated along 0 dimension.
enabled = False
run_not_recursively = True

def add_output_for_path(graphs_nodes_path):
# add output to nodes according to path
step_node = graphs_nodes_path[-1]['node']
cur_graph = graphs_nodes_path[-1]['graph']

ports_to_add_nodes = []
for o_p in step_node.out_ports():

# update internal_layer_id for new Results
for i in range(len(graphs_nodes_path)-1, 0, -1):
cur_max_layer_id = max_internal_layer_id(cur_graph) + 1
cur_loop_node = graphs_nodes_path[i-1]['node']
new_out_ports = []
if cur_loop_node.op is not 'If':
# add Unsqueeze and Result for TensorIterator and Loop and update output_port_map
for p_num in ports_to_add_nodes:
res_node = add_output_in_body(step_node, p_num, cur_graph, cur_max_layer_id,
graphs_nodes_path, i)

# IR reader fix output port map for Loop, but have not change for TensorIterator
new_port_id = len(cur_loop_node.out_ports())
if cur_loop_node.op == 'TensorIterator':
new_port_id = new_port_id + len(cur_loop_node.in_ports())
cur_loop_node.output_port_map.append({'axis': 0, 'stride': 1, 'part_size': 1, 'start': 0,
'end': -1, 'external_port_id': new_port_id,
'internal_layer_id': res_node['internal_layer_id']})
port_id = new_port_id
if cur_loop_node.op == 'TensorIterator':
port_id = port_id - len(cur_loop_node.in_ports())

# add Result nodes for If and update output_id
for p_num in ports_to_add_nodes:
res_node = add_output_in_body(step_node, p_num, cur_graph, cur_max_layer_id, graphs_nodes_path, i,

if cur_loop_node.then_graph == cur_graph:
new_port_id = len(cur_loop_node.out_ports())
res_node['output_id'] = new_port_id
res_node['output_id'] = list(cur_loop_node.out_ports().keys())[-1]
ports_to_add_nodes = new_out_ports
step_node = cur_loop_node
cur_graph = graphs_nodes_path[i-1]['graph']

i = 0
for p_num in ports_to_add_nodes:
port = step_node.out_port(p_num)
out_name = step_node.soft_get('name', + "." + str(p_num)
res_node = Result(cur_graph, {'name': out_name}).create_node()
# add name of Result to fw_tensor_debug_info to avoid renaming
if step_node.out_nodes()[p_num].has_and_set('fw_tensor_debug_info'):
step_node.out_nodes()[p_num]['fw_tensor_debug_info'] = [[out_name, out_name]]
if step_node.op == 'TensorIterator':
step_node.out_edges()[len(step_node.out_edges())-1]['external_port_id'] = p_num + \
graphs_nodes_path.insert(0, {'node': res_node, 'graph': cur_graph})
i += 1
return graphs_nodes_path

def infer_shapes_of_nodes_in_path(graphs_nodes_path):
# update shape for new or updated nodes
for i in range(len(graphs_nodes_path) - 1, -1, -1):
step_node = graphs_nodes_path[i]['node']
# update shapes for Loop, TI, If, Unsqueeze
# Result to end node in path added to existing port with already calculated shapes
for p_num in step_node.out_ports():
if not step_node.out_port(p_num).disconnected():
if step_node.op == 'TensorIterator':
ti_infer(step_node, p_num)
elif step_node.op == 'Loop':
loop_infer(step_node, p_num)
elif step_node.op == 'Unsqueeze':
assert step_node.in_port(1).get_source().node.has('value')
axis = step_node.in_port(1).get_source().node.value[0]
out_shape = list(step_node.in_port(0).get_source().data.get_shape())
out_shape.insert(axis, 1)
elif step_node.op == 'If':

def split_path_to_simple_tracks(graph, path):
# Split complex path into simple linear tracks.
# In path after If node list with 2 sub-lists should be. In this function such path is split into 2 tracks:
# one for each sublist with linear structure.
# Number of tracks got from path is 2 * number of If operations in path.
# Track is looks like list of paths with 2 fields : list of nodes on current path and list of according graphs
# Example:
# input path : [loop_1, loop_2, if_1, [[loop3_1, node_1], [node_2]]]
# output track: [{'nodes': [loop_1, loop_2, if_1, loop3_1, node_1],
# 'graphs':[graph, loop_1.body, loop_2.body, if.then_graph, loop3_1.body]},
# {'nodes': [loop_1, loop_2, if_1, node_2],
# 'graphs':[graph, loop_1.body, loop_2.body, if.else_graph]}]

# structure to save tracks
# list with tracks, each track is list of pairs {'node', 'graph'}
paths_nodes_graphs = list()
# stack for sub-graphs that will be traversed in future
future_graphs_stack = [graph]
# index for track that we currently fill
track_idx = 0
# save lists that were started but not finished during processing
lists_stack = [{'list': path, 'pos': -1}]
while len(lists_stack) != 0:
cur_list_pos = lists_stack.pop(-1)
# current list to process
cur_list = cur_list_pos['list']
# index in current list/sub-list
list_idx = cur_list_pos['pos'] + 1
while list_idx < len(cur_list):
el = cur_list[list_idx]
if isinstance(el, (list, np.ndarray)):
lists_stack.append({'list': cur_list, 'pos': list_idx})
# if we have previous node non-list then current sublist is for If node
# and new tracks should be added for sub-graphs (the first subgraph will continue current track)
if list_idx != 0 and isinstance(cur_list[list_idx - 1], str):
for i in range(len(el) - 1):
# copy all nodes from existing track to new one
# new sublist started, so reset index
cur_list = el
list_idx = 0
assert isinstance(el, str)
cur_graph = future_graphs_stack.pop(-1)
step_node = Node(cur_graph, el)
paths_nodes_graphs[track_idx].append({'node': step_node, 'graph': cur_graph})

# if node is not last, check that next node will be on current track or not
if list_idx != len(cur_list) - 1:
# so detect if we are in sublist with branches for If
# then in stack sublist is not the first node of list
# and have previous node with If operation name
if len(lists_stack) != 0 and lists_stack[-1]['pos'] != 0 and \
isinstance(lists_stack[-1]['list'][lists_stack[-1]['pos']-1], str):
# switch to next track
if list_idx != len(cur_list) - 1:
track_idx += 1
assert step_node.has_and_set('sub_graphs'), "Node without sub-graphs is not last in path"
# the first graph should be first in traverse
for sub_graphs_name in reversed(step_node['sub_graphs']):
list_idx += 1

return paths_nodes_graphs

def find_and_replace_pattern(self, graph: Graph):

if 'additional_outputs' not in graph.graph:

path = graph.graph['additional_outputs']
paths_nodes_graphs = self.split_path_to_simple_tracks(graph, path)

paths_nodes_graphs_old = []
for i in range(len(paths_nodes_graphs)):
paths_nodes_graphs[i] = self.add_output_for_path(paths_nodes_graphs[i])

for i in range(len(paths_nodes_graphs)):

new_nodes = []
for i in range(len(paths_nodes_graphs)):
# new Result added to main graph should be on last place
if paths_nodes_graphs_old[i][0]['node'] != paths_nodes_graphs[i][0]['node']:

return new_nodes
49 changes: 47 additions & 2 deletions model-optimizer/extensions/ops/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
# Copyright (C) 2018-2021 Intel Corporation
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

from copy import copy, deepcopy
from math import ceil

from extensions.ops.parameter import Parameter
from mo.front.common.partial_infer.utils import shape_array
from mo.front.common.partial_infer.utils import shape_array, is_fully_defined, dynamic_dimension_value
from mo.graph.graph import Node, dict_includes, Graph
from mo.ops.const import Const
from mo.ops.op import Op
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -347,6 +347,51 @@ def ti_type_infer(node):

ti_graph.remove_nodes_from([ for node in fake_input_const_nodes])

def find_iterations_count_for_output(ti_node):
def check_field(record, field):
return field in record and record[field] is not None
iterations_count = dynamic_dimension_value
# find out iterations count from inputs.
# If no input contains 'axis' attribute then no slicing is in TI and it has only one iteration
# If several inputs have axis attribute with different iterations count then we use maximum value.
for in_rec in ti_node.input_port_map:
if not check_field(in_rec, 'axis'):
assert check_field(in_rec, 'external_port_id'), "external_port_id not set for input of {} node".format(
in_shape = ti_node.in_port(in_rec['external_port_id']).data.get_shape()
if check_field(in_rec, 'end') and in_rec['end'] >= 0 and \
check_field(in_rec, 'start') and in_rec['start'] >= 0:
in_rec_end = in_rec['end']
in_rec_start = in_rec['start']
elif check_field(in_rec, 'end') and in_rec['end'] >= 0:
in_rec_end = in_rec['end']
in_rec_start = in_shape[in_rec['axis']] if not check_field(in_rec, 'start') else \
in_shape[in_rec['axis']] + 1 + in_rec['start']
elif check_field(in_rec, 'start') and in_rec['start'] >= 0:
in_rec_end = in_shape[in_rec['axis']] if not check_field(in_rec, 'end') else \
in_shape[in_rec['axis']] + 1 + in_rec['end']
in_rec_start = in_rec['start']
in_rec_end = ti_node.in_port(in_rec['external_port_id']).data.get_shape()[in_rec['axis']]
in_rec_start = 0

if check_field(in_rec, 'stride'):
in_rec_stride = in_rec['stride']
in_rec_stride = 1

# in case of dynamic iterations count don't continue any calculations on this iteration
if not is_fully_defined(in_rec_end) or not is_fully_defined(in_rec_start):

if iterations_count is not dynamic_dimension_value and \
ceil((in_rec_end - in_rec_start) / in_rec_stride) != iterations_count:
raise Error("TensorIterator node {} have inputs with different iterations count".format(
iterations_count = ceil((in_rec_end - in_rec_start) / in_rec_stride)

return iterations_count

def get_internal_node_by_layer_id(ti, internal_layer_id):
suitable_nodes = ti.body.get_op_nodes(internal_layer_id=internal_layer_id)
Expand Down

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