Script to create custom Evil Portals using the Wifi Pineapple ππ
Wifi Pineapple Mark VII π
- Evil Portals Module MUST be downloaded
- Download evil portals from
git clone
scp -r EvilPortalGenerator/ root@mk7:/root/
This will copy the file to the pineapples root directory, change otherwise
- Find and Download a company pictured background.
- Use to resize the background image to 2558x1452. (Background)
- Find and Download (ideally transparent) company logo.
- Use to resize to 2000x2000. (Big logo)
- Use to resize the company logo 30x30 as well. (Small logo)
- Copy the background, and logos to the pineapple in the same directory as EvilPortalGenerator
- Run!
sed is used to for string replacement, with that said special characters will need to be escaped with TWO backslashes