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         _..._                                 # Charming is my name 
      .-'_..._''.                                       # Also it's my type 😎 
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Just call me Raul👨‍🎓. I am currently a graduate student who loves computer technology in Beijing Forestry University.💊


E-mail📧 : [email protected] / Wechat@CharminZh🐧

ORCID : 0009-0006-7842-9693

Communicate with me in ... Rate (totol. 5)
🇨🇳 Chinese 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
🇺🇸 English 🌟🌟🌟
🇷🇺 по-русски[1] 🌟🌟
🇩🇪 Deutch[1] 🌟

[1] Never speak to me in these two, cuz I have no confidence that I can understand.🥺

 _____ _    _ _ _     					
/  ___| |  (_) | |    // # 书山有路勤可渡 , 学海无涯苦作舟。
\ `--.| | ___| | |___      // # I pray to myself, for myself.
 `--. \ |/ / | | / __|
/\__/ /   <| | | \__ \

Charming Zhang

💻 *NIX based System Programming ...

📃 Degree: Bachelor of Science...

🔦 Majored: Information and Computing Science ...

🎹 Languages: C, C++, Rust, Python, R, Matlab ...

🍴 Tools: Vim, VSCode, Visual Studio, Clion, PyCharm ...

... Learning about the unknown is interesting and never-ending.🏄‍♀️
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Qtas: a P2P distributed network storage system based on IPv6 and Chord protocol
  1. 源代码仓库(Source code):Qtas
  2. 命令行交互界面:
  1. 留白没见过嘛哼:Readme-Page
  2. 没想好做什么呢:

Pinned Loading

  1. Qtas Qtas Public

    Qtas(Quite a Storage)is an experimental distributed storage system developed by Q-team in BJFU Advanced Computer Network sources.

    Python 3 1

  2. QuickDoc QuickDoc Public

    A quick document to learn a program language/technique

    Ruby 2

  3. BJFUThesis BJFUThesis Public

    Forked from DeeDive/BJFUThesis

    北京林业大学 LaTeX 学位论文模板 LaTeX Thesis Template for Beijing Forestry University

    TeX 1

  4. Quick_Deployment Quick_Deployment Public

    Shell 2 1

  5. BFU_Free BFU_Free Public

    Useful tools available for all BJFUers~

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  6. WTZ_ WTZ_ Public


    1 1