- day07: Array
- day08: OOP
- day09: Overload
- day10: Modifier access, constructor, getter/setter, String immutable
- day12: Iheritance
- day13: Polymorphism, Class Cast and Override
- day14: Static method and Singleton
- day15: Abstract, interface, final
- LearningThread: Thread, Runnable, Singleton realizse (Eager and Lazy init) and synchronized (Lazy init), and realize synchronized block and method. Also the Produ cer and Consumer pattern with wait, notifyAll.
- StringDateEx: memory use for String;String, StringBuffer, StringBuilder; five problems of deal with String methods.
- CustomerInfoManager:
a small app simulate the customer information management.
- TeamSchedule
build a team schedule for a fighting game (refer to atguigu proj3). Need to be improved:
- change Equipment interface to a class. So that we can give the equipment more flexiable for operation: for different attribute, it will contribute to different skills, attack power, etc.
- make a superclass for a team (or squad), so that we can build different teams (or squads).
- change Warrior attribute "age" to "hp" and "hp" to "attact".
- add attribute "speed", "attact", "remedial", "stratergy" to equipment.
Leetcode (java)
leetcode algorithms exercises of array by java
leetcode algorithms exercises of String by java