Compilation of P4 exercises, examples, documentation, slides for learning or teaching
Guide to p4lang repositories and some other public info about P4
【京东云IaaS】- 统一公网网关,基于Barefoot的Tofino硬件可编程交换机实现,在iaas工作发现这个行业很封闭,不像互联网的上层应用使用的技术那么open,所以分享些资料
MoonGen is a fully scriptable high-speed packet generator built on DPDK and LuaJIT. It can saturate a 10 Gbit/s connection with 64 byte packets on a single CPU core while executing user-provided Lu…
libmoon is a library for fast and flexible packet processing with DPDK and LuaJIT.
[SIGCOMM’24] RedTE: A MARL-based distributed traffic engineering system,
Kubernetes Security Training Platform - focusing on security mitigation
Lean 4 programming language and theorem prover
An open source quadruped robot pet framework for developing Boston Dynamics-style four-legged robots that are perfect for STEM, coding & robotics education, IoT robotics applications, AI-enhanced r…
The original code for the paper "How to train your MAML" along with a replication of the original "Model Agnostic Meta Learning" (MAML) paper in Pytorch.
TorchOpt is an efficient library for differentiable optimization built upon PyTorch.
Contrib package for Stable-Baselines3 - Experimental reinforcement learning (RL) code
PyTorch version of Stable Baselines, reliable implementations of reinforcement learning algorithms.
Pytorch version of Dreamer, which follows the original TF v2 codes.
Deep Planning Network: Control from pixels by latent planning with learned dynamics
OpenAI Gym wrapper for the DeepMind Control Suite
PyTorch implementation of Stochastic Latent Actor-Critic(SLAC).
A modular, primitive-first, python-first PyTorch library for Reinforcement Learning.
TF-Agents: A reliable, scalable and easy to use TensorFlow library for Contextual Bandits and Reinforcement Learning.
Deep Variational Reinforcement Learning